Foreign Policy
Domestic Issues
Other Challenges
Rebellion against King Louis XVI, in which tens of thousands of ordinary citizens were executed, this violence divided American loyalties
What is the French Revolution (1789)
First Chief Justice of the United States, appointed by Washington under the Judiciary Act
Who is John Jay
Diplomatic crisis caused by the French demand for tribute in order to resolve the issue of French attacks on American ships in the West Indies.
What is the X, Y, Z Affair (1798)
A tax on foreign goods brought or imported into the country.
What is a tariff
an act or a decision that sets an example for others to follow
What is a precedent
A threat to the authority of the national government in which Washington led 13k state militia troops to crush the rebels, occurred in western Pennsylvania and named after the tax on the product produced by the rebels.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion

He wanted a bribe of 250000 dollars to discuss ship seizure

Who is Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, French Foreign Minister

An agreement negotiated that called for Britain to pay damages for the American ships they had seized in the French West Indies, it also called for the British to pull their troops from the Ohio Valley, in return Americans had to pay debts long owed to British merchants. Viewed as a betrayal by the French of America's treaty with the French during the American Revolutionary War.
What is Jay's Treaty, named after Chief Justice John Jay, (1795)

Agreement to move the U.S. capital to the South in exchange for southerners such as James Madison support for Alexander Hamilton's plan to repay state debt's from the revolutionary war. Where was this capital to be built?

What is Washington DC

to act on the belief that states had the right to cancel a law passed by the federal government. In order to resist the power of the federal government.
What is to nullify

What machine was used to cut off heads during the French Revolution


Senators called him "His Rotundity" behind his back
Who is John Adams
Four controversial laws which were aimed at aliens, 1- lengthened the processing time for citizenship from 5 to 14 years, 2/3 -jail or deport aliens suspected of stirring up trouble, 4-citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), pushed through by federalists in Congress under the guise of protecting the country, but used to make life difficult for the Republicans.
They believed the federal government should use its power to promote business manufacturing and trade in order to expand the economy and increase the nation's wealth
Who are the Federalists

This event proved that the US constitution and the government which followed it would act strongly in times of crisis.

What is Whiskey Rebellion

Pronouncement which laid out the basic principles of American foreign policy for the next 100 years, he reminded the American people of their common culture, warned the country about foreign entanglements and also warned about the rise of partisanship or political parties.
What is Washington's Farewell Address
Treasury secretary under Washington, believed in a strong federal government, drew his support from merchants and manufacturers, preferred a looser interpretation of the Constitution and was the leader of the Federalists.
Who is Alexander Hamilton (killed in a duel with Aaron Burr)
Issued in order to prevent the nation from being dragged into a European war.
What is the Neutrality Proclamation (1793), by Washington
Executive departments staffed by personnel who are to give advise to the President, help him carry out his duties and are responsible for directing their departments
What is the cabinet
A addition to the Constitution which occurred After this race for the Presidency, in which the two republican candidates were tied in the electoral vote and the House of Representatives voted 36 times in order to break the tie.
What is twelfth amendment.
The election in which the unexpected outcome was the President and Vice-President were political enemies from opposing parties.
What is the election of 1796 (Adams-President, Jefferson-VP)
Secretary of State under Washington, future third president, believed in small government, drew his support from farmers, artisans, wealthy planters and he was the leader of the anti-federalists, the Democratic Republicans or Republicans.
Who is Thomas Jefferson
Normalized relations with Spain, granted U.S. vessels access to the entire length of the Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans
What is Pinckney's Treaty 1795
They opposed the creation of a national bank, which others argued was needed to collect taxes, safeguard the funds, print paper money, create a stable currency and make loans to business in order to build factories and ships. They favored an economy based on agriculture.
Who are the Democratic Republicans or Republicans.

The first cabinet had how many departments?

What is four
