What are the two pillars of NRHH?
Service and Recognition
What iconic horror movie, with it's falling down the steps scene, was filmed in Georgetown?
What is: "The Exorcist"
President Obama led the opening ceremony of this museum on Sept. 24, 2016
What is the National Museum of African-American History and Culture
What Does NACURH stand for?
What is: The National Association of College and University Residence Halls
Who is the only president buried at the National Cathedral?
What letter street in D.C does not exist?
What is: "J" street
What is the official name of the GW NRHH Chapter?
What is: The Capital Chapter
Who was the first president to live in the White House?
Who is John Adams?
What nation was half of the MLK Jr. Memorial built in before being moved to D.C.?
What is: China (PRC)
What is the original size of Washington D.C.
Which section/subesect of NACURH is GW affiliated with?
What is: CAACURH (Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls)
How many monuments on the National Mall are not dedicated to a president?
What is 4: MLK Jr, John Ericsson Memorial, John Paul Jones Memorial, and George Mason
What year did Washington D.C. become the nations capital?
What is: 1790
How many (current) GW NRHH members are there?
What is 60?
This Cabinet Department is the only one not located in D.C.
What is: The Department of Defense