What political party was Washington a part of?
None (or Federalist)
What political party was Hamilton a part of?
What political party was Adams a part of?
What political party was Jefferson a part of?
What date is Valentine’s Day every year?
February 14
Name the rebellion that Washington took down with a militia during his presidency
Whiskey Rebellion
Where was Hamilton born/from?
West Indies
Who was John Adams’s Vice President?
Thomas Jefferson
Which country did the US go to war with under Jefferson’s presidency?
This organ is often used as a symbol of love, even though it actually use pumps blood.
What did Jay’s Treaty delay?
War with Britain
What role did Hamilton have in Washington’s cabinet?
Secretary of Treasury
What did the Sedition Act do?
Made it illegal to write/say anything bad about the government
What was the British Navy doing to many American sailors? (Give the historical word. I will not accept kidnap)
This Roman god, often depicted with a bow and arrow, is a symbol of Valentine’s Day
Don’t form political parties
Remain neutral in foreign conflicts
What did Hamilton want to put in place, that Jefferson said was unconstitutional?
National Bank (Bank of US)
What did the Naturalization Act do?
Changed the required amount of years for a non-citizen to live in the US to become citizens from 5 yrs to 14 yrs
What was the name of the act Thomas Jefferson put in place to restrict trade with all other countries
Embargo Act of 1807
The x in “xoxo” represents what action?
Name 3 of the 4 members of Washington’s cabinet (excluding Washington himself)
Who was Hamilton married to?
Elizabeth Schuyler
Give the popular slogan used related to the XYZ Affair
Millions for defense, but not a penny for tribute
Give the name of the 2 ships involved, when the captain of the American ship refused to allow the British captain to look for any British Navy Deserters
According to legend, Saint Valentine was a priest who performed secret weddings during this empire’s rule.
Roman Empire