Nature's Wastes
Man-made Wastes
Waste Options
Waste at Home
Is It Waste?
These fall to the ground in the forest and become food for soil insects, worms, and other creatures in the ground.
What is leaves from trees and other plants
Your water bottle, Tupperware, and pen caps are all made from this substance which has a very long lifetime in nature and is particularly difficult to break down.
What is plastic
This word comes from turning something old into something new. It's what we can do with used water bottles.
What is Recycling
Having long showers, running the tap for cold water, or washing your clothes more often than you need to leads to wasting of this precious commodity
What is water waste?
This is the best disposal option for apple cores
What is composting
An organism that derives its energy from simple substances found in its surroundings, often using the process of photosynthesis, also called an autotroph.
What is a producer
These man-made plates often come with fancy designs, can be recycled if not used for messy food, or can be composted when they are soiled with food.
What is paper plates
One of the big R's: When we use things that could be waste more than once to reduce our impact, or give things we can't use to someone else so that they can use it.
What is Reusing.
Hanging your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer not only makes them last longer, and causes them to smell like beautiful fresh air, but also saves on this household utility
What is electricity
After finishing a juice box, the best practice to dispose of the juice box is to put it in this door to door box, or to bring it to the bottle depot for a return on the deposit.
What is the blue box?
Organisms that cannot make their own food using photosynthesis, but will EAT the organisms that do make their own food.
What are consumers
Waste made my man that cannot be broken down in nature and will harm the environment is generally termed this
What is non-biodegradable
We are doing this when we make less waste. Either by making fewer purchases, buying goods with less packaging, or throwing away less.
What is Reducing
This cart, expected to be city-wide by 2017, will divert large amounts of biodegradable organics from Calgary's landfill.
What is the Green cart?
Although recyclable in Cochrane, this take-out container substance is energy intensive to recycle, and isn't recyclable at all in Calgary.
What is Styrofoam?
Waste that can be broken down in nature without harming the environment
What is biodegradeable
Cell phones and old computers contain valuable metals such as gold, but also dangerous components such as mercury and lead. When we are done with them they should be brought to this facility.
What is electronics recycling
This is what happens when food waste is put into the soil instead of a landfill site. We can also do this with grass clippings, and other yard wastes.
What is Composting
Old paint cans lying around the house contain volatile organic compounds that can be dangerous for you and your family. Bringing them to this place will get them out of your house, and also prevent them from ending up in the landfill.
What is the Fire Department?
Old Tupperware containers that are missing lids can be used as planters, or for holding items such as cutlery within a drawer, or accessories on your dresser. If however, you decide to dispose of them, they should be placed in this cart
What is the black cart / garbage ?
Organisms that eat dead plants and animals creating more fertile soil
What are decomposers
Almost 70% of Canada's waste goes here, to one of approximately 2400 sites across the country. These sites are known for their production of methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas.
What is a landfill?
This is the name for burning man-made waste. Sometimes we do so to retrieve heat-energy from the waste.
What is Incineration
These symbols on your garbage and recycling carts should point toward the center of the road or lane, and help mechanical collection trucks to efficiently grab and lift your carts for collection
What are arrows?
When your parents get an oil change, the used oil is recycled for energy, containers are recycled for their plastic, and the filters are recycled for this metal, that they are made out of.
What is Steel?