turning around a central point
What is rotating?
We are the reasons we have the seasons.
What is Earth's tilt and Earth's revolution around the sun
helpful at keeping someone or something safe
What is protective?
this animal uses its egg tooth to hatch from an egg that has a shell, a yolk, and a albumen
What is chicken?
to make a hole or passage into or under something
What is burrow?
half of the Earth divided north or south by the equator or east or west by the Prime Meridian
What is hemisphere?
I am the area on Earth that receives the greatest amount of direct sunlight. I also have warm places.
What is equator?
replaced or refilled
this animal hatches from an egg as a larva in form of a caterpillar
What is butterfly?
the stages a living thing goes through from birth to adult
What is life cycle?
water that falls from the sky as rain, snow, sleet, and hail
What is precipitation?
I am the process in which a plant begins to grow and sprout?
What is germination?
each of the four divisions of the year - spring, summer, autumn, and winter
What are seasons?
this animal changes from a larva to a pupa to an adult insect with a head, body, and wings
What is butterfly?
the process by which some young animals change form as the become adults
What is metamorphosis?
the time it takes Earth to go around the sun one time ( a year )
What is revolution?
I am the process by which a liquid changes into a gas?
the process by which a gas changes into a liquid
What is condensation?
this thing begins as a seed and is pollinated by bees
What is a flowering plant?
the amount of moisture or water vapor in the air
clear; see through
What is transparent?
Name two of the three types of clouds
What is cirrus, stratus, or cumulus?
the process in which a seed begins to grow into a plant
What is germination?
This animal changes from a larva with gills, to a four -legged adult with lungs.
What is frog?
something repeats, or happens over an over again in the same order