What is it called when gas turns to water?
How does gas turn to a liquid?
If a gas is cooled, its particles will eventually stop moving about so fast and form a liquid.
What happens when a gas turns into a liquid?
A gas (like water vapor) changes state to become a liquid (water.)
Where does condensation happen?
The air.
Where does the water from condensation end up?
On the grass as dew.
What is it called when water turns to a gas?
How does water turn to a gas?
Vaporization is the process of converting a liquid into a gas. It is also called evaporation. Since we know that the particles of a gas are moving faster than those of a liquid, an input of energy must be required for a liquid to become a gas.
What happens when a liquid turns into a gas?
The particles absorb heat energy and begin to vibrate faster, increasing the separation between them.
Where does evaporation happen?
The air.
What is it called when liquid falls from the clouds?
How does liquid fall from clouds?
Due to an imbalance of water vapor pressure, the water droplets transfer to the ice crystals. The crystals eventually grow heavy enough to fall to earth.
What happens when a liquid falls from the clouds?
When the water droplets become too heavy for the cloud to hold, they fall to the earth as precipitation. called precipitation. Precipitation can fall as rain, snow, hail or sleet. Once the water reaches the ground, the cycle starts all over again with evaporation.
Where does rain fall?
The clouds
Where does rain end up?
It ends up on the ground, on trees, or in peoples gutters.
What is it called when water goes down a hill?
Run off.
How does water fall down from the hills?
Precipitation falls on the land, flows overland (runoff), and runs into rivers, which then empty into the oceans
What happens when water runs down hills?
It can pick up and then deposit particulate matter and sediment into the river
Where does runoff happen?
Hills/ any slanted piece of Earth.
Where does run off end up?
It's ends up in any body of water.
What is it called when water is under ground?
Ground water.
Why does Groundwater happen?
Groundwater is a part of the natural water cycle (check out our interactive water cycle diagram). Some part of the precipitation that lands on the ground surface infiltrates into the subsurface. Water in the saturated groundwater system moves slowly and may eventually discharge into streams, lakes, and oceans.
How does Groundwater happen?
Some of the precipitation that falls onto the land infiltrates into the ground to become groundwater.
Where does ground water happen?
Under ground.
Where does groundwater end up?
It ends up in any body of water.