About this much of the human body (what %) is made of water.
What is 70%?
What % of the earth is freshwater that you can actually drink?
A 2%
B 20%
C 70%
What is about 2%?
Ice is more dense (has more material) liquid water
What is false?
Hidden water found underground is called
A aqueducts
B Orion Nebulas
C aquifers
What is aquifers?
Evaporation takes place mostly in these large areas _______ and ________.
What are lakes and oceans?
When pieces of ice form in the clouds form rain or snow, they fall as ________?
What are hail?
If wind did not move air, clouds, and storms ____________ would happen to the land.
What are droughts because the lands would become dry or dryness to the land would occur?