Climate Zone
Water Cycle

Which answer explains the difference between sleet and hail?

A.  Sleet and hail are the same except that sleet usually falls in summer and hail usually falls in winter.

B.  Sleet is usually part of a thunderstorm, and hail comes from thin layers of rain clouds.

C.  Sleet is ice that forms when rain falls through cold air, and hail is rain that freezes several times and hits the ground as a round, chunk of ice.

D.  Sleet is larger than hail and both forms of precipitation usually fall in the winter.

C.  Sleet is ice that forms when rain falls through cold air, and hail is rain that freezes several times and hits the ground as a round, chunk of ice.


Many areas of Navada are hot with low humidity there are few plans that survive and the ones that due are spread out.  The Amazon Basin is very warm with high humidity there are a lot of plants very close together.

Which environments do the Amazon Basin and Nevada represent?

A.  Plain and mountain

B.  Rainforest and desert

C.  Desert and mountain

D.  Moutain and rainforest

B. Rainforest and desert


Many reqions along the Amazon River basin are very warm with high humidity. The trees grow close together so that not much light hits the ground.

Many regions in Arizona are hot with low humidity. Not many plans can survive and are more spread out.

Which environments do the Amazon Basin and Arizona represent?

A.  Plain and mountain

B.  Rainforest and desert

C.  Desert and mountain

D.  Rainforest and mountain

B. Raniforest and desert


Which city most likely experienced rain followed warm temperatures.

A.  17% humidity

B.  50% humidity

C.  97% humidity

D.  30% humidity

C.  97%


Precipitation continually adds fresh water to the ocean

Yet, the water levels remains relatively constant. Why?

A.  Ocean water continually seeping underground.

B.  Because the ocean is to big.

C.  Ocean water is continually changing from liquid to water vapor.

C.  Ocean water is continually changing from liquid to water vapor.


A new species of animal was discovered, so scientist set up 3 different environments to determine what environmental conditions it will thrive in. Each room maintained constant environmental conditions to represent different climates.  

Room A: 90 degrees, large, deep dish of water

Room B: 33 degrees, medium, shallow dish of water

Room C: 27 degrees, shallow dish of water

After a few weeks of study they found that the animal stated mostly in room C. What type of environment could you determine the species came from.

A.  The desert

B.  A swamp

C.  The tundra

D.  A grassland

A. The desert


The sky is filled with stratus clouds low in the sky. Predict what the weather will be based on the clouds.

A.  strong thunderstorms

B.  light rain all day

C.  heavy rain and hail

D.  clear sunny day

B. light rain all day


What weather condition is present if there is dense fog in the morning?

A.  High air pressure        C. High temperature

B.  High humidity             D. High winds

B. High humidity


What type of weather condition is present for fog to form?

A.  high air pressure     C.  high winds

B. high humidity           D.  high temperature

B.  high humidity


What part of the water cycle causes water droplets on the outside of a glass?

A.  precipitation                C.  condensation

B. evaporation                  D. run off

C. condensation


What are the three climate zones.

A.  tropical, temperate and polar.

B.  Praire, grassland, tudra

C.  tropical, equator

A.  tropical, temperate. and polar.


Rain forests are found in the tropics and some in cooler temperate zones.  What makes a forest a rainforest?

A.  They have  a variety of animals not found elsewhere.

B.  They always contain very large rivers.

C.  hey produce more oxygen than a regular forest.

D.  They have higher humidity and a lot of precipitation.

D. They have higher humidity and a lot of precipitation.


Which of the following has the greatest effect on climate of nearby landforms

A.  Ocean                   C. River

B. Pond                      D. Lake

A. Ocean


It is cloudy and wet today. What weather condition causes clouds and wet weather?

A.  Low air pressure            C.  No precipitation

B.  Low humidity                 D.  High air pressure

A.  Low air pressure


What is the ocean's role in the water cycle.

A. Main source/storage for water

B. Not important because of salt content

C.  Provides the energy needed for the water cycle.

A. Main source/storage of water


What is the relationship between air temperature and humidity? 

A.  Low humidity usually means higher temperatures.

B.  High humidity usually means higher temperatures.

C.  Low humidity usually means more precipitation.

B. High humidity usually means higher temperatures.


One city is coastal and the other is inland, they have the same latitude and elevation.

How would the summer weather of the inland town s different from the weather in the coastal town?

A.  Lower temperatures and more precipitation.

B.  Higher temperatures and more precipitation

C.  Higher temperatures and less precipitation

D.  Lower temperatures and and less precipitation

C. Higher temperatures and less precipitation.


Alisha decided to record the weather condition throughout a day. She saw puddles on the road. After the rain the sky cleared and sun shinned, and the water puddles dried up and clouds were present.

How do the parts of the water cycle relate to the conditions Alisha observed.

A.  The rain was precipitation. The sun caused the puddles to evaporate. The clouds were formed by condensation.

B. The rain was condensation. The Sun's heat made the puddles evaporate The clouds were formed by precipitation.

C.  The rain was precipitation. The Sun's heat made the puddles condense. The clouds were formed by evaporatioin.

D.  The rain was evapotation. The Sun's jeat made the puddles condense, The clouds were formed by evaporation.

A.  The ran was precipitation. The Sun caused the puddles to evaporate. Clouds were formed by the condensation.


Aaron had a bucket of water in the Sun on a hot, windy day. What will happen to the water level.

A.  The water level will rise as water condenses from the air above the bucket.

B.  The water level will only go down if the wind makes water splash out of the bucket.

C.  The water level will go down as the water evaporates from the bucket.

D.  The water level will stay the same since the water is protected from the wind.


C.  The water level will go down as the water evaporates from the bucket.


Mr. Brown saw water runoff into the ocean for many years and many places. The ocean level does not seem to ever change. Why

A.  Some ocean water freezes and becomes glaciers.

B.  Water evaporates from the ocean's surface.

C.  Water seeps into the ocean bed and becomes groundwater.

D.  Salt makes ocean water heavier so it takes up less space.

B.  Water evaporates from te ocean's surface.


What instrument measures humidity.

A. Wind vane

B. Hygrometer

C. Thermometer

D.  Barometer

B. Hygrometer


Florida has many swampy areas. What weather conditions are most likely found in a swamp?

A.  High temperature, low humidity

B.  High temperature, high humidity

C.  Low temperature, high humidity

D.  Low temperature, low humidity

B.  High temperature, high humidity


Alena lives on the coast near the Pacific Ocean. There is a cold ocean current that flows south along the coastline.  How does the cold ocean current effect the coastal climate where Alena lives?

A.  The climate would have weather that changes more frequently during the year at cities located further inland.

B.  The cold water current would cause the area near the coast TO have warmer weather all year than at cities further inland.

C.  The cold water current would keep summer weather conditions cooler along the coast than cities further inland.

D.  The climate will be less humid along the coast than the inland cities.

C.  The cold water current would keep summer weather conditions coller along the oast than citites further inland.


What weather condition wold most likely result in a sunny day?

A. Low pressure, low humidity, cirrus clouds

B.  Low pressure, high humidity, stratus clouds.

C.  High pressure, low humidity, cirrus clouds.

D.  High pressure, high humidity, cumulus clouds. clouds.

C. High pressure, low humidity, cirrus clouds.


Starting with the ocean, what is the correct order of the water cycle.

A.  circulation - evaporation - precipitation

B.  evaporation - condensation - precipitation

C.  eaporation - precipitation - condensation

B. evaporation - condensation - precipitation
