Muscle function becomes impaired when dehydrated. True or False
What is True
Everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day.
What is False. 8 glasses a day is arbitrary. It's completely dependent on body size, gender and how much physical activity you are doing.
Dehydration can affect your brain's ability to ______
A sport drink may be recommended if exercises lasts longer than ____
What is 1 hour
You can drink too much water
What is true. Too much water can cause symptomatic hyponatremia, a condition where the sodium levels in the blood become dangerously low.
Being dehydrated for too long can cause what medical problem?
What are organ problems (eg. kidney stones)
What is dehydration?
When your body doesn't have enough water
A sports drink may be recommended when exercising in extreme
What is Heat or conditions
Bottled water can cause tooth decay
What is false. Bottled water in and of itself doesn’t cause the teeth to decay, but it usually doesn’t contain any fluoride, which is added to tap water to help prevent tooth decay.
Hydrating is not all about water. Name one electrolyte or mineral that is part of proper hydration
What is sodium or potassium
What are some symptoms of dehydration?
Could be: headaches, nausea, fatigue, dark yellow urine, etc
By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over _____ percent of its total water amount.
What is 1%
Water aids in the digestion process by preventing constipation
What is True
Water has a pH of _____
Water helps do WHAT with our body temperature
Keeps our body temperature normal
For every 20 minutes activity you should drink ______mL of water
What is 150mL to 300mL
Caffeine can contribute to dehydration
What is true.
Alcohol can cause extreme dehydration. To reverse the effects of a alcohol consumption, what is the best thing to drink?
What is water.