Largest ocean on Earth
Pacific Ocean
The _______ River is a river in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
Ottawa River
99% of the human body is water
What is the largest great lake
Lake Superior
This river is a popular tourist location in Canada
Niagara falls
Roughly what % of the worlds water is accessible
The ____ River is a major watercourse of northwestern North America.
Yukon River
Canada has the largest renewable freshwater supply in the world
Lake ___ is the fourth-largest lake by surface area of the five Great Lakes
Lake Erie
What is the highest river in Canada
Della Falls
Roughly what % of the human brain is made up of water
The ________ River is a large international river in the middle latitudes of North America connecting the Great Lakes to the North Atlantic Ocean.
St. Lawrence River
The amount of water on Earth today is the same as it was when the planet was formed.
What is the shallowest great lake
Lake Erie
widest waterfall in Canada
Niagara Falls
This % of Canada's landmass is covered by water
Approximately 10%
What is the longest river in Canada
The Mackenzie River
Canada has the most lakes in the world
Name the 5 great lakes
Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario
Highest waterfall in the world
Angel falls
How long can a human last without water
3 days
This river that flows through British Columbia is known for its salmon runs
Fraser river
The great lakes are entirely within Canadian territory.
Which lake is the smallest of the great lakes
Lake Ontario
This fortnite river is famous for eliminating players at the bottom by placing floors to cover up the river
Gorgeous Gorge (near lazy lakes)