A piece of land that drains water to a main body of water nearby
What is a watershed?
This term represents how much heat a certain material or object can hold.
The process when water evaporates from living plants.
What is transpiration?
These powerful weather conditions occur as a result of the heat from the water in coastal areas.
What are (coastal) storms?
This company has faced controversy for its water extraction practices, particularly in locations like Michigan.
What is Nestle?
The border between underground water and water that is above the surface.
What is a water table?
These areas typically have a different climate than that of the surrounding area.
What are microclimates?
Sunlight heats the water and turns it into water vapour, which goes up to the atmosphere.
This refers to a place’s various temperatures and precipitation for a given day.
What is weather?
While known for its natural beauty, this province currently has over 20 communities under active drinking water advisories.
What is Ontario?
These are the two zones within a water table
What is saturated and unsaturated?
This is the term for weather patterns (over a long period of time)
What is climate?
Occurs when water vapour goes up in the atmosphere and then cools.
What is condensation?
This small town in Ontario had its well water contaminated with coliform bacteria after a large rain storm.
What is Walkerton, Ontario?
Filtration and chlorination are two important steps in this process.
What is water treatment?
These, along with polar ice caps, are formed through a continual build up of snow.
What are glaciers?
The method of removing salt from salt water to make it suitable for drinking.
What is desalination?
This occurs when gravity pulls water droplets back to the surface in the form of rain, snow, etc
What is precipitation?
These are the two reasons that glaciers and polar ice caps change their size.
What are precipitation and temperature?
This concept focuses on meeting present needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own.
What is sustainability?
According to the Explained documentary, one hamburger takes this many litres of water to create.
A technique to clean water. It involves introducing microorganisms to break down bad parts in water and soil.
What is bioremediation?
These are the four stages of the water cycle.
What are evaporation, transpiration, precipitation and condensation?
In Canada, rivers flow and drain into this many continental watersheds.
What is five?
This is an underground layer that holds groundwater.
What is an aquifer?