The typical strength range of calcium hypochlorite
What is 65%?
This gas is detected by the smell of rotten eggs. It will cause acute poisoning and paralyze the respiratory system at 0.07%-0.1 % concentrations.
What is hydrogen sulfide?
There are this many gallons in 2,167 cubic feet.
What is 16,209 gal
Tube settlers are used in sedimentation to do this.
What is increase surface area or reduce the detention time needed?
The media in a dual media filter shall have a depth of no less than_________ inches.
What is 30 inches?
The two most important factors in effective chlorination.
What are concentration and contact time?
he safety procedure that requires that an energy source be turned off and locked, and that information describing why a system is shut down is displayed on a tag is called _____.
What is lock out/tag out ?
Convert 8.60 MGD into cubic feet per second.
What is 13.3 cfs ?
The primary reason for the use of a dry barrel fire hydrant.
What is to prevent freezing?
The secondary MCL for manganese in drinking water?
What is 0.05 mg/L?
The major disadvantage of using UV for disinfection in water treatment.
What is the lack of a residual?
When using ammonia to test for the presence of a chlorine leak, if a leak is present the reaction will create this.
What is white smoke? What is white smoke?
The specific gravity for a solution that weighs 10.27 lb/gal.
What is 1.23?
The basic unit of electrical power is which of the following (the ohm, the watt, or the volt).
What is the watt?
Records of bacteriological analysis must be kept for this length of time.
What is 5 years?
The primary purpose of adding fluoride to drinking water.
What is to prevent dental cavities in children?
The location for exhaust fans in a chlorine room.
What is near the floor?
If the chlorine dose is 4.25 mg/L and the chlorine residual is 1.20 mg/L, This is the chlorine demand in mg/L.
What is 3.05 mg/L?
Which of the following valve types is the most suitable for a throttling application (butterfly valve, check valve, gate valve).
What is a butterfly valve?
A Tier 1 violation is a situation with the potential to have adverse effects on human health as a result of short term exposure. The length of time you have to provide Tier 1 public notice is __.
What is ASAP but within 24 hours?
The point at which the chlorine dose has met the demand and additional chlorine will result in a free residual.
What is the breakpoint?
The odor detection limit for chlorine gas.
What is 0.3 ppm?
A channel is 7 ft wide has water flowing to a depth of 3 ft and a velocity of 2.8 fps. The flow through the channel in cfs is ___.
What is 59 cfs.
A mechanical device consisting of 2 independently operating, spring loaded check valves with a reduced pressure zone between checks designed to protect against both backpressure and backsipohnage.
What is a reduced pressure backflow preventer (RPBP)?
A water system has been notified that they have a positive total coliform sample. The system must take a set of repeat samples within ______ hours.
What is 24 hours?