Comb-like structures which resemble teeth
What are lamellae?
Waterfowl belong to Class ____________.
What is Aves?
Wing plumage feathers include: primaries, secondaries, _________ and scapulars
What is coverts?
Females lay ______ egg per day
What is 1?
Bright and distinct colors on the outside of the secondaries
What is speculum?
Chicks born fully developed with down feathers and eyes open
What is precocial?
Waterfowl belong to kingdom ____________
What is Animalia?
Legs placement is based on where the bird spends most of its time. Legs that are more forward birds are found on _______ ?
What is land
Eggs consist of shell, inner shell membrane, _____ and albumen?
What is yolk?
The 3 general groups of waterfowl_____________?
What are ducks, geese, and swans?
Physical appearance between male and females is different
What isSexual Dimorphism?
Variations occur among species in nesting habits, clutch size, ______________, and migration habits
What is incubation period?
_______________ require that they run across the water to gain flight speed
What is diving ducks?
Nest success refers to the nests that have at least ___ egg hatch, around 15% will the ducks will hatch the rest lost to predation, agriculture,
What is 1?
Waterfowl that have lifetime pair bonds?
What are geese and swan?
Number of eggs laid in a nest at one time
What is the clutch size?
Swans are in the subfamily ______________
What is Anserinae?
Morphology is the study of ______________ _____________. It includes bill shape, body plumage. wing plumage, feet, leg placement, and take off methods.
The bill shape is related to ___________.
What is waterfowl anatomy?
What is related to their diet?
Ducks live ____ to ____ years.
What is 4 to 8 years?
Examples of Diving ducks include _________________
What are Redhead, Canvas back and Lesser Scaup?
Adaptation to allow birds to take advantage of seasonally abundant food by traveling to areas with necessar resources
What is migration?
Dabbling Ducks weigh between __________ and ____________
What is .75 and 2.5 pounds?
An adaptation for swimming are ______________
What are webbed feet?
What is front toes are completely webbed and the back toe is not connected?
Geese and Swans use internal sources of body fat for egg yolk, but acquire ______________ to form albumen and shell.
What is protein and calcium from diet?
Examples of Dabbling duck include _____________.
What are Mallard, Northern Shoveler, and American wigeon?