The land that water runs across on its way to a river, stream, or other body of water is called --
A watershed
All non-living parts of an ecosystem.
Abiotic Factors
A type of pollution where the source cannot be easily identified.
Non-Point Source Pollution
What is the biggest estuary in the United States?
The Chesapeake Bay
How many water quality monitoring tests are there?
A small stream or river that flows into a larger one is called --
A tributary
A community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact with the environment is called --
An ecosystem
An oil spill was traced back to a cracked pipe. This is an example of --
Point-Source Pollution
This type of wetland is known as a flooded forest.
(True/False) Water quality is directly related to the health of an ecosystem.
Appomattox is located in which of Virginia's 14 watersheds?
James River
Planting _______________ can help prevent erosion.
Trees or crops
Trash floating in a creek would be an example of --
Non-Point Source Pollution
Where salt water and fresh water mix.
Water should have a pH of ______ to be considered healthy.
The James River flows into which body of water?
The Chesapeake Bay
Name all the abiotic factors.
Trees, rocks, oxygen, water, clouds, birds, dead animal, humans, trash
Rocks, oxygen, water, clouds, trash
Overflow from sewage treatment plants, septic system leaks, and animal manure are all sources of this type of pollutant.
A river system includes bluffs, a floodplain and a river. Which area is likely to flood first as a result of excess rain?
This water quality monitoring test measures the clarity of water based off the amount of sediment.
A harmful chemical is dumped into the James River. That chemical will eventually make its way to which major body of water?
Atlantic Ocean
Name all the biotic factors.
Grass, soil, bugs, sunlight, hair, mushroom, bone, temperature, wind, flowers
Grass, bugs, hair, mushroom, bone, flowers
A large amount of fertilizer is dumped into a local pond. Which process is likely to happen as a result?
Eutrophication leading to an algal bloom
Choose all the benefits wetlands provide to wildlife.
a. Play areas
b. Food
c. Shelter
d. Nurseries
When measuring the water quality of a freshwater stream, which factor are you least likely to measure?
a. Flow
b. Salinity
c. Temperature
d. Dissolved Oxygen