When clouds get too "heavy" and rain falls to Earth.
This sphere holds all of the Earth's air and gases.
What is the atmosphere
The force that causes glaciers to flow
This land mass is formed when a glacier moved away millions of years ago, you might remember
U shaped valley
If you were under the ocean
You surely wouldn't have to pay rent
It's hot where you'll be, under the sea
Living on a _________________- _________
Hydrothermic Vent
Beads of "sweat" on your soda can on a hot day.
This sphere word means "water". Scientists who study water are called ____________ists, power that comes from water is called _______________electric.
Unsorted rocks that were moved around by glaciers
The process by which aquifers get new water
I hope I don't get any static
Because I really must be quite emphatic
That rock don't belong
It's placement's all wrong
I must be looking at an
A water collection area underground, we use this to get our drinking water
Rain recharging an aquifer made of rocks is a physical representation of which two spheres interacting?
Hydro and Geo
These sorted rocks all collected at the bottom of the glacier (two words)
Terminal moraine
The process by which glaciers move because the ice at the bottom melts a little, causing a smooth slide (two words)
Basal sliding
And now before we adjourn
There's one final vocab to learn
Glacial Snow that is packed
And please be exact
Is actually better known as _________
This percentage is the amount of the Earth that is covered by water.
What sphere do you belong in?
Like in Uno, rocks get picked up by glaciers. This is called
The process by which paleo-Indians made their way from Europe to America during the Ice Age
The history of time can be checkered
Winter and summer lines look double-deckered
There's no way to know
What really happened with the snow
But we do have this clear _____________ ________
Proxy Record
Water that travels through sewer drains, down streets, paths, and eventually ends up in rivers and streams, carrying sediment with it (so don't litter!)
A penguin "flying" through the sea is an example of which two spheres interacting?
Hydro and bio
A land mass formed by glaciers eroding the Earth's surface, this one looks a little like a skate bowl
The process by which sea water has it's salt removed, making it usable for humans
Though you're all obsessed with your swine
None of you managed to whine
We were cold it's true
and learned differences two
the glaciers, continental and