What is Kenny's nickname in the story?
What does Kenny save from the "Wool Pooh" in the church?
His sister Joetta
What object does Kenny frequently carry with him?
A toy dinosaur
What does Kenny find fascinating about Rufus when they first meet?
His accent
Where does the Watson family live at the beginning of the story?
Flint, Michigan
What is Momma's real name?
What happens to Joetta during the church bombing?
She misses it because she left early
What city does the family drive through on their way to Birmingham?
What is Byron's punishment for playing with matches
Momma tries to burn his finger
What does Byron do that finally pushes his parents to take him to Birmingham?
Straightens his hair
What does Byron teach Kenny to do at Collier's Landing?
Nothing, Kenny went to colliers landing alone
What does Byron do to Larry Dunn after he steals Kenny's gloves?
Fights him
What does the family call their car?
The Brown Bomber
Who is Grandma Sands?
Momma's mother
What is the name of Kenny's teacher?
Mrs. Davidson
What does Kenny call the place where he hides after the bombing?
The World-Famous Watson Pet Hospital
Why does the family decide to travel to Birmingham?
To help Byron change his behavior
What does Byron call the cold Swedish weather in Flint?
Ice Age
What does Byron call the group of kids who bully Kenny?
The Thunderbirds
What does Dad use to help navigate during the trip to Birmingham?
The TripTik a magazine