Parts of Waves
Light #1
Light #2
Sound #1
Sound #2

What is a medium?

A medium is something that a wave travels through


Why can your eyes see visible light but not other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Visible light waves have a frequency and wavelength that can be recognized by the human eye



True or False: Visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum?



Sound can travel through a solid, liquid, and gas. Which one does it travel through the fastest?

Sound travels through a solid the fastest


Why are we able to hear sound waves?

They vibrate as they move through a medium (the vibrations can be heard by our ears)


Which wave has the most energy?

Wave C


Label the parts of the wave below

A - Compression

B - Rarefaction

C - Wavelength


What is property of waves is pictured below?

Reflection (light is bouncing off the mirror)

What property of light wave is pictured below?

Refraction (the light is bending as it passes through the prism)


How does changing the frequency of a wave affect the sound that you hear? 

(Include both raising and lowering frequency)

Increasing the frequency makes a sound have a higher pitch

Decreasing the frequency makes the sound have a lower pitch


Why can sound not travel through an empty space? (such as outer space)

Sound needs particles to vibrate against to produce a sound and empty space has no matter


When the frequency of a wave is increased, the wavelength ___________________



Label all parts of the wave below

A - Wavelength

B - Crest

C - Amplitude

D - Trough


Decide which one is transparent, translucent, and opaque

A - Transparent (can see all the way through it)

B - Translucent (can partly see through it)

C - Opaque (can't see through it)


What is the difference between absorption and trasmission of light? 

Light Absorption is when light goes into an object and stops travelling

Light Transmission is when light goes into an object and keeps going 


The energy a wave produces is measured in (1) _________________. 

The volume of a sound is measured in (2) _____________________. 

1. Hertz (Hz)

2. Decibels (Db)


How does changing the amplitude of a wave affect the sound that you hear? 

(Include both raising and lowering amplitude)

Increasing the amplitude makes a sound louder

Decreasing the amplitude makes the sound quieter


If I decrease the wavelength of a wave, which 2 variables will increase?

Amplitude and Frequency increase if wavelength decreases (energy also increases too)

What the difference between a transverse and longitudinal wave?

the difference is how the particles of energy flows in the medium

A longitudinal wave travels parallel to the medium

A transverse wave travels perpendicular to the medium


Why does an orange cat appear orange when we look at it?

The orange light is reflected back to our eyes, while all other light is absorbed. This makes making the cat appear orange.



List the two EM waves with the MOST energy

List the two EM waves with the LEAST energy

Most energy (highest frequency): X-Ray and Gamma

Least energy (lowest frequency): Radio and Micro


At what decibel level can a sound cause injury to a human ear?

Approximately 100 decibels


Describe which wave would create a loud, high pitched sound?

Describe which wave would create a quiet, low pitched sound?

Loud, High Pitch - P (high amplitude, high frequency)

Quiet, Low Pitch - S (low amplitude, low frequency)


Which waves have the highest and lowest frequency? 

Purple wave is highest frequency

Red wave is lowest frequency


Define the following words in your own words

-Crest, Trough, Amplitude, and Wavelength

The crest is the highest part of the wave

The tough is the lowest part of the wave

The amplitude is the height of the wave

The wavelength is how long the wave is from two like points (ex. crest to crest)


Explain the difference between how light interacts with a white object vs. a black object

a white objects reflects all colors of light energy (this is why it is often cooler)

a black object absorbs all colors of light energy (this is why is is often hotter)


List the waves of the EM spectrum in order from lowest frequency to highest frequency

Radio, Micro, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, and Gamma

Why does a sound increase in pitch as you get closer to the source?

This called the doppler effect. This is the belief that a sound increases in pitch as you get closer to the source because the waves become more compacted together (more frequency)

Why do sound waves decrease in loudness the further from the source you are?

Sound waves are more intense closer to the source. As they move away from the source, they lose intensity and start to spread out in the medium and therefore lose the loudness that you can hear


Which two waves have the highest amplitude?

Wave C and D have higher amplitudes

Note: their frequency and wavelength is different despite having the same amplitude
