All waves are produced by a .... (it's a v-word)
A new space film depicts an astronaut being startled by a nearby spaceship that blows up. In the film, the astronaut covers his ears during the explosion of the spaceship. What is wrong with these scene?
Sound requires a medium to travel; therefore, sound can't travel in space.
The top of a transverse wave is called the ....
Which statement is correct about light and sound waves?
Light waves are transverse waves and they cannot move through the vacuum of space.
Sound waves are compressional waves and they cannot move through the vacuum of space.
Light waves and sound waves have identical properties, regardless of whether they are compressional or transverse waves.
Sound and light travel through the vacuum of space, but sound waves are never able to reach Earth.
2! Sound waves are compressional waves and they cannot move through the vacuum of space.
The 2 main types of waves are...
Mechanical & Electromagnetic
Sound waves are... (compressional or transverse).
The bottom (lowest point) or a transverse wave is called the ....
What type of interference is this???
_________________ waves do NOT require a medium to travel.
You see black when all the light waves are _________.
What do you call the two bracketed sections of this sound wave?
The distance from crest to crest or trough to trough is called the ..... (starts with a "w")
This is a ___________ (transverse, longitudinal, compressional, standing...) wave.
Waves carry..... (starts with an "e")
A spoon appears broken/bent when submerged in water because the light waves are being.... (reflected, refracted, diffracted, interfered)
In which type of media do sound waves generally travel the fastest? (empty spaces, gases, liquids, or solids)
The ______________ of a wave is the number of full wavelengths that pass a point in a given time interval.
Which wave has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency?
The 2 types of Mechanical waves are....
Transverse & Longitudinal/Compressional
The light wave REFLECTS off a surface at the ____________ (same, different, inverse, opposite) angle at the incident wave.
Pitch relates to ____________ and volume relates to _________________.
Frequency, Amplitude
The greatest distance that the particles are displaced from their normal resting positions is called ___________________.
Which of the following statements BEST describes the interaction of a compressional sound wave and matter?
a. Sound waves can transfer energy only through open space or a vacuum.
b. Sound waves can travel through a vacuum and are slowed down by matter.
c. Sound waves transfer energy by carrying matter with the wave.
d. Sound waves transfer energy through matter, but the matter does not travel with them.
d. Sound waves transfer energy through matter, but the matter does not travel with them!