The name of the "magical elf" that helps us remember the colors of the rainbow, in order of wavelength.
Roy G. Biv
The name for this part of a wave.
When an ambulance passes, this is how the sound of its siren seems to change, according to the Doppler Effect
The pitch changes from high to low.
It produced the Universe
The Big Bang
It's what the M stands for in CMBR
The age of the universe (within 0.1 billion years)
The color of the rainbow with the shortest wavelength.
It's the name for this part of a wave.
When a moving object gives off waves, this is what happens to the waves in front of the object
They get compressed (shorter wavelength)
It's how carbon, oxygen, neon (and other elements heavier than Hydrogen and no heavier than Iron) are created.
Fusion in a star
This is what the CMBR represents, providing evidence for the Big Bang theory
Heat left over from the Big Bang.
The highest energy type of electromagnetic wave
Gamma Rays
The color of the rainbow with the third longest wavelength
It's where a wavelength ends if it starts at letter A.
It's the letter that the source of this sound is moving toward.
It's where hydrogen was created
The Big Bang (inflation)
This is what Hubble observed, providing evidence for the Big Bang.
All distant galaxies are moving away from us
All distant galaxies have red shifts
This picture represents...
Spectral lines
The wavelength "fingerprints" of elements
The specific wavelengths of light given off by elements
The color of the hottest stars that we can see
It's the set of sound waves with the longest wavelength.
It's the letter where a listener will soon hear the lowest pitch.
The big bang (heat left over)
A third piece of evidence for the Big Bang was that the theory predicted something about the matter in the Universe, and that something turned out to be true. The prediction was...
That the matter in the Universe is approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% Helium.
Doppler Effect
It's what sound waves sound like when they have a very short wavelength.
High pitched
It's the kind of doppler shift the person will see, based on the movement of this star.
Red shift
It's how gold, lead, mercury, uranium, and all other elements heavier than iron are created.
In a Supernova
These are the three most important pieces of evidence for the Big Bang theory
The CMBR (heat left over from the big bang)
Hubble's Law (all distant galaxies have red shifts...)
The Universe is 75% H and 25%He, as the Big Bang theory predicted.
It's what these spectral lines are showing us
All galaxies are red shifted (moving away). More distant galaxies are moving away faster.