crest and trough
This happens when two or more waves interact
what is the equation you would use to solve for wavelength or a wave?
v/f= wavelength
The unit for measuring the loudness of sound
Decibel (dB)
As you decrease the temperature & pressure of air, does the speed of sound increase or decrease?
The time it takes for one cycle to occur
The type of wave that oscillates perpendicular to the direction the wave travels.
A wave made by dropping a ball in water has a frequency of 2 Hz and a speed of 10 m/s. What is the wavelength of this wave?
True or False: The speed of sound is about 343 m/s
As the wavelength decreases, the frequency of a wave _______________
A single unit of periodic motion
Occurs when two waves interact with each other two make a wave of smaller amplitude
destructive interference
A tuning fork has a frequency of 200 hz and the wavelength of sound produced is 10m. Calculate the velocity of the wave.
2000 m/s
True or False: Sound waves are slower than light waves
As the loudness of a sound increases, the amplitude of the wave ______________
Distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next
Occurs when two waves interact to form a bigger wave
constructive interference
An ocean wave is moving toward the shore with a velocity of 15m/s. If its frequency is 5hz, what is the wavelegth?
True or False: Sound waves travel faster in outer space than in air.
Sound depends on three things: a vibrating source to create the sound waves, a medium (such as air) to carry the waves, and a receiver to hear them.
Sound waves can't travel through a vacuum.
The frequency increases when the source and the observer approach each other and decreases when they move apart.
the doppler effect
Unit of measurement for frequency
The type of wave that travels in the same direction as the oscillations
A rope is moved with a speed of 120 m/s. If the length of the wave is 10 m, what is the frequency of the wave?
12 hz
Give the correct order from slowest to fastest for the speed of sound through these three media.
[water, air, wood]
(slowest)Air, water, wood (fastest)
Some mediums are better at conducting sound than others. Like all gasses, air is a poor medium for sound waves. Liquids, such as water, are better, and rigid, solid substances, such as iron and stone, are even better, while rubber, cork, and cotton are some examples of poor conductors.
Which of the following sounds has the shortest wavelength?
A)Thunder @ 75 hz
B) a female soprano singer @2000 hz
C) a man’s voice @ 500 hz
B) a female soprano singer @2000 hz