Zones of Regulation
Calm Downs
Self Esteem

Susie gets to play with her friends she hasn't seen in a long time since she moved.  Name how she might be feeling.

What is Happy or Excited?


Tony didn't sleep well last night. He keeps yawning and is moving slowly today. Name the zone Tony is in. 

What is the blue zone?

Name something you can do to help calm down when you feel angry.

What is walk away, take space in my room, squeeze a stress ball/fidget, take deep breaths, play outside, count to 10, 20, or higher... or another idea you came up with!


Name one person who makes you feel special or loved.


Tommy got a poor grade on his first school test. He studied and worked really hard, and on his second test he got a very good grade. Name how he might be feeling.

What is Proud?

Mary is talking and laughing with her classmates. When the teacher tells the kids to take their seats to start class, Mary sits down and gets her paper and pencil ready. Name the zone Mary is in.

What is the green zone?


Name something you can do when you feel worried.

What is talk about it with someone, take deep breaths, jump on my trampoline, play I Spy, write my worries down and rip them up, hug and/or tell my worries to a stuffy. Or another idea you came up with!


I am good at (name 2 things).


Molly was excited to go to the zoo, and when she got there she found out her favorite animal was not out to look at.  Name how she might be feeling.

What is Disappointed, Sad?

Wendy cannot find her favorite toy in her room. She is frantically starting to dump all the toys out of their buckets. Her heart is beating faster and tears are beginning to fall from her eyes. Name the zone Wendy is in. 

What is the yellow zone? 


Name something you can do with your hands for a calm down.

What is use a fidget, stress ball, putty, play-doh, build legos, squeeze a stuffy, or another idea.


One good thing that happened to me today was...


Fred is building a tower with legos, and Peter accidentally bumps into it and it crashes to the floor.  Name how Fred AND Peter might be feelings.

Fred: What is Frustrated, Angry, Annoyed?

Peter: What is Embarrassed, Sorry/Regretful?


Wilbur's sport team lost the game. When he gets home he yells at his family and slams the doors. He knocks things over and rips the posters off in his room. Name the zone Wilbur is in. 

What is the red zone?


Practice 5,4,3,2,1 right now!  Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

Nice work!


Something I am thankful for is...


Grace hears from her parents that they are going to be moving to a new home. Name 3 different feelings Grace might have about moving.

What is Happy, Excited, Worried, Scared, Nervous, Sad, Angry, Surprised?


Name one thing that can help you get back to the green zone when you are in the yellow or red zone.


Practice taking 5 deep breaths right now!  Breathe in through your nose like you're smelling a flower, and breathe out through your mouth like blowing out a candle.

Good job!


3 qualities that I like about myself are...

(examples: kind, creative, funny, smart..)
