How can I schedule a meeting to see my Counselor?
QR Code, Front Office, Email, Phone, slip in the office.
types of Sexual Harrassment
Verbal, Written, Physical,
What is Bullying?
1. Bullying is when a stronger, more powerful person hurts or frightens a smaller or weaker person deliberately (on purpose) and repeatedly (again and again).
2. Isolation vs Repeated
When does first period start?
Which Counselor is in charge of names A-L
Ms. Berekmeri A-103
What Are Personal Boundaries?
are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.
Type of Bullying
1. Verbal
2. Physical
3. Social
4. Cyber
Students May use their cellphones at lunch or passing period. True or False?
False. Electronic devices such as smart phones and tablets, must be turned off and may not be displayed, activated, or used at any time during the school day, unless under the discretion and direction of a classroom teacher, administrator, or district staff. Students can use the school phone in the office after school if necessary. Any transgression will result in confiscation of the device for the remainder of the day and a parent/guardian will have to pick it up. Students assume all responsibility for breakage, theft, or loss of any device brought on campus
Which Counselor is in charge of names M-Z
Mr. Thompson
Asking someone the same question over and over is not harassment. True or False
Why Do People Bully?
1. Bullying is when a stronger, more powerful person hurts or frightens a smaller or weaker person deliberately (on purpose) and repeatedly (again and again).
Name an After-School Club, Sport, Activity.
Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Dances etc....
Counselors are here to only support "certain" students. True or False
Steps to Stoping Sexual Harassment at School
1. Stop
2. Report
3. Document
What Can You do if YOU are being Bullied?
1. Report
2. Be a friend
3. Join a club/ a team, or a group
4. Find new Friends/environment
Take Pride with every S _ r _ de. Motto
Take every pride with Every Stride.
Counselors Focus on Three Domains...Which 3 do they focus on?
Academic, Social/Emotional, Career/College
Things we might say if our boundaries are crossed.
1. Why did you push me?
2. Hey that's mine
3. Give me that back
4. Excuse me!
5. Your in my personal space, could you please take a step back.
What are the Three R's?
1. Respect Yourself
2. Respect Others
3. Respect Your School
Mrs. Coabrales and Mrs. Pachot are who?
Prinicipal, Vice-Principal