A quarter note gets _______ beat of noise.
What is 1?
The driving force of the song that does not change.
What is the beat?
This note gets 1 beat.
What is a quarter note?
Quickly playing Princess, Hunter, Bear to decide who gets to go first is an example of ________.
What is solving problems?
After your second reminder/warning, the teacher will ask you to _____.
What is take a break?
A quarter rest gets _______ beat of silence.
What is (1)?
When we clap the words being sung in a song we are clapping the______________
What is rhythm?
This note gets 1/2 of a beat.
What is an Eighth Note?
Touching instruments while the teacher is talking is NOT an example of _______.
What is showing respect to the teacher?
After your 3rd reminder to stay on task, you will be asked to _____.
What is refocus?
An eighth note gets ____ of a beat.
What is 1/2?
The symbol/letter for Loud (Forte) is_______
This rest gets 1 beat of silence.
What is a quarter rest?
Choosing to sit by someone who helps you follow instructions is an example of ______.
What is making good decisions.
You might receive a ________ in class if you are showing the Big 3.
What is a paw award?
A whole note gets _____ beats of noise.
What is 4?
____________ is a term that means the loudness of softness of music in a piece.
What is dynamics?
Four of these notes can be clapped while saying wa-ter-mel-on.
What are sixteenth notes?
What is showing respect?
What is making good decisions?
Your class will earn this when they reach thirteen 5's in music.
What is a music party?
A sixteenth note gets _____ of a beat.
What is 1/4?
The ___________ is also referred to as the speed of the music.
What is tempo?
This note is held for 2 beats.
What is a half note.
Messing around when the teacher isn't looking is an example of NOT ______.
What is making good decisions?
What is showing respect?
Do this if you don't understand something.
What letters are in the musical alphabet?
What is ask for help?
What are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G?