Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Context Clues
What is the author's purpose in writing this text? Florida is a state in the southern United States. The capital is Tallahassee, and the state bird is the mockingbird. There are many beaches in Florida.
to inform
The measurement around an object.
What is girth?
Tells what a story is mostly about.
What is main idea?
We had to *vacate* the building when the tornado siren sounded because no one could be left in side.
What is leave empty?
What is excited, joyous, glad?
What is the author's purpose in writing this text? Come and get your very own Speedy Scooter! It will make you super fast and let you have tons of fun! You should definitely buy a brand new Speedy Scooter today!
to persuade
A long pointed tooth that sticks out of each side of the mouth in certain animals.
What is a tusk?
These tell more about the main idea.
What are supporting details?
My body was still *quivering* after my brother jumped out from behind the bush to scare me.
What is shaking?
What is terrible, awful, horrible, etc?
What is the author's purpose in writing this text? Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!
to entertain
To shine with reflected light.
What is glisten?
Even money has a price tag. The price that you pay for money is called interest. When you borrow money from a bank, the bank charges you interest. You must pay back the money you borrowed plus the interest. Maybe you pay an extra 5 percent. Maybe you pay an extra 15 percent. That is how a bank makes money. It charges interest.
What is interest?
The giant ice cream sundae was so *scrumptious* that I ate the entire thing.
What is delicious?
What is fat, broad, wide, etc....?
What does the author want the reader to do while reading this text? Mammals are one type of animal. Mammals have warm blood, fur or hair, and give birth to live young. Humans, monkeys, dogs, horses, and even hamsters are all mammals.
Learn information about mammals
A person under the care or treatment of a doctor.
What is a patient?
Miss Maddox addressed the class. She said, "The reason it is good to sit up straight is that it helps to keep you from distractions. Slouching is not good for your back, but it also sends your mind a message. It makes the mind feel as if it is time to rest and let our mind wander. Instead, we want to make it ready to learn."
What is "why sitting up in class is important"?
The student tried to *assimilate* the information so that he could understand how satellites orbit in space.
What is learn?
What is rage, mad, upset, etc....?
What does the author want the audience to do after reading this text? Rules are very important to follow. They help people get along, and they keep things running smoothly. You should obey rules at all times - they're for your own good.
Agree (be persuaded) to follow the rules
An important or special event.
What is an occassion?
Consider how many activities you do outside of school. Remember that school needs to be a priority. It's great to do extra things--as long as they don't rob you of needed energy for learning. If you feel like you are too busy, ask your parents if you can cut down to one or two favorite things. You may try one activity one semester (i.e. being in a play) and something different the next (playing a sport). We often feel we have to do everything at once at once, and that can wear us out!
What is "school should be a priortiy"?
Where we live in Northern Maine, the winters are quite harsh. Each year we fly to a warm climate for a break from the cold weather. It feels like *utopia* every time we step off the plane at our destination.
What is dreamland?
What is ambush, assault, ambush, rage, etc....?