Jesus tasted death for ________. (Hebrews 2:9)
Who is everyone?
It is impossible for God to ______ (Heb 5 -6)
What is Lie
I met Melchezedeck after I won a huge battle
Who is Abraham?
A shadow of the good things to come. (Heb 10:1)
What is the law?
Now faith is the assurance of xxxx. (Heb 11:1
What is "of things hoped for"?
The right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens
Where is Jesus sitting?
According to Heb 2:1, I must pay close attention so I don't do this
What is drift away?
Those living on Milk Alone. (Heb 5:13-14)
Who are the immature Christians?
This prevents priests from remaining priests. (Heb 7)
Those who could not take away sin.(Heb 10:11)
Who are the Priests?
The conviction of things xxxxx. (Heb 11:1)
What is "of things not seen"?
Our journey is compared to a race, how are we to run the race.
What is endurance?
Who are the prophets?
God swore by ______ when he made a promise to Abraham? (Heb 6)
Who is Himself?
The Cost of Entering the Most Holy Place (Heb 9:12-13)
What is Sacrificial Blood?
We do this as the day approaches? (Heb 10:15)
By faith, I gave directions for my bones for the exodus from Egypt
Who is Joseph?
The Author and Perfector of our Faith (Heb 12:2)
Who is Jesus?
What is thirteen?
The author talks about leaving behind the elementary things and moving on towards this. (Heb 6)
What is maturity?
It is weak and useless (Heb 7:18)
What is the Law?
I will put my laws on their ________, and write them on their __________. (Heb 10)
What are hearts and minds?
By faith, I offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain? (Heb 11)
Who is Abel?
Surrounded by clouds of these. (Heb 12:1)
What are witnesses?
I spoke at various times and in various ways.
Who is God?
We were chosen from among men to act on behalf of men. (Heb 5:1)
Who are the high priests?
The sons of this man receive the office of the priesthood. (Heb 7-10)
Who is Levi?
As seen in the upper middle portion of this picture, the High Priests enter the Holiest of Holy this often.
(Heb 9)
What is once per year?
Through faith I had a child in old age. (Heb 11)
Double the points if you name the child
Who is Sarah?
Heb 13 advises believers to show hospitality, it might be to angels, but v1 tells us why.
What is brotherly love?
We have a hope of entering (Heb 4)
What is God's rest?
But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to _____________. (Heb 5:14)
What is good from evil?
How is it possible that the sons of Levi also paid tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb 7:9)
what is the belief that men carried all their descendants inside them
The Messiah enters the tabernacle, not by the blood of calves and goats, but by _________. (Heb 9)
Who is Enoch?
According to Heb 13:5, we need to keep our life free from this.
What is the love of money?