What is Body Substance Isolation?
The first thing considered on every call.
What is BSI and Scene Safety?
Your patient presents with slurred speech, altered consciousness, and left sided weakness.
What is most likely a stroke?
Always considered in trauma patients where an injury to the head or neck is probable.
What are Cervical Spine Precautions?
This is used to immobilize a shoulder injury.
What is a sling and swathe?
HIPAA stands for this.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What does ROSC stand for?
Return of Spontaneous Circulation
What are mechanism of injury and nature of illness?
The three steps considered when performing primary assessment of the airway.
What is Open, Clear, Maintain?
Your patient presents with shortness of breath, labored breathing, audible wheezing at the apices, and a rapid pulse.
What is most likely an asthma attack?
A patient is shot in the chest. There are diminished lung sounds on one side of their chest and tracheal deviation.
What is tension pneumothorax?
Two rescuer CPR of an infant is performed at this compression to breath ratio.
What is 15 to 2?
This is the type of consent you receive when an EMT is given permission to treat after they explain what they are going to do. The gold standard of consent.
What is Informed Consent.
If the guy is hemoglobin and the girlfriend is oxygen. Who is the girl in red?
Carbon Monoxide
The steps completed during primary assessment of circulation.
What are control bleeding, assess pulse, assess skin?
A known diabetic presents with warm, dry skin, altered LOC, respirations of 26 and deep. There is a noticeable sweet odor on his breath.
What is most likely hyperglycemia, DKA, or HHNS?
Chest injury with paradoxical movement of the chest.
What is flail chest?
What is RA RV LU LA LV?
The amount of medication given is known as this.
What is a dose.
At what blood glucose level is your patient considered to be in Hyperglycemic Crisis?
Over 400mg/dL
What is Critical, Unstable, Potentially Unstable, Stable?
Before completing a medical assessment, all patients should receive this.
What is a physical exam of the appropriate body system?
A patients presents with bulging neck veins, swollen extremities, weakness, and irregular heart beat.
What is most likely congestive heart failure?
A scalping injury is this type of wound.
The names and count of the vertebrae sections
What are:
7 - Cervical
12 - Thoracic
5 - Lumbar
5 - Sacral
4 - Coccyx
This is the area of the lungs were respiration occurs.
What are the alveoli.
What is the minimum acceptable helicopter landing area?
60ft by 60ft
BONUS: What is the preferred size for a landing area?
RPM (from START Triage)
What is Respiration, Perfusion, Mental Status?
These things are not assessed during the rapid body scan, but are assessed during the secondary assessment.
What are the pupils, lung sounds x6, genitalia (if appropriate), and PMS x4?
A patient just started taking a new medication is experiencing an allergic reaction with an enlarged tongue.
What is most likely Angioedema?
A burn patient with full thickness burns to their torso and arms.
What is 36% of their body?
NYS EMT Certification is valid for this long.
What is 3 years?
The EMT should assume any unwitnessed water related injury includes what type of possible injury (and take necessary precautions).
What is a spinal injury.
As an ALS skill, what does RSI stand for?
Rapid Sequence Intubation