CASAS Questions
American Holidays
Election 2016
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Look at these arrival times for the shuttle bus: Route A1 10:00 Route A2 10:30 Route B1 12:00 Route B2 12:30 What time does the Route B1 bus arrive? A 10:00 B 10:30 C 12:00 D 12:30
What is: C/12:00?
What holiday is in November
What is: Thanksgiving
Who was elected for president?
Who is: Donald Trump
What is on the front cover of the November News?
What is: "The U.S. Drug Epidemic"
How many common words are there on the Oxford List?
What is: 3,000
John works in Lakeview. He rides the bus to work every day. It usually takes him about 20 minutes to get to work. How long does it take John to get to and from work?
What is: 40 minutes (20 minutes x 2 = 40 minutes)
What holiday is celebrated around the same time as Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?
What is: Halloween?
How many electoral votes are there in the election?
What is: 270
What is the purpose of the United Nations?
What is: 1) to improve economic conditions; 2) help colonies gain independence; 3) set standards of international law; 4) increase literacy; 5) prevent famine; 6) fight disease; 7) protect human rights around the world.
What is "a" or "an" called?
What is: an indefinite article
Read below about FITNESS TODAY MEMBERSHIP FEES: MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY DUE UPON JOINING Monthly One Time Adult $36 $100 Family* $51 $150 Single Parent Family** $42 $100 Senior Adult (60+ yrs.) $30 $100 Student (18-22 yrs.)*** $23 * Includes 2 adults and all children under 18 within the same household. ** Includes 1 adult and all children under 18 within the same household. *** Full-time student with ID, no one time available. What is the cost difference between a monthly membership for a family with two parents and a single parent family membership?
What is: $9 (Family monthly membership: $51; Single parent family membership: 42. 51-42 = 9)
**** DOUBLE JEOPARDY! ***** This means that you can "wage" or risk up to the amount of points that you have already. (So if you have 200 points, you can risk up to 200.) If you win, your points will DOUBLE, if you lose, you MAY LOSE ALL OF YOUR POINTS! ***********************************************
What is: Black Friday
Who was the running mate for Democrat, Hillary Clinton?
Who is: Tim Kaine
What is the difference between the word "achieve" and "achievement"?
What is: achieve is a verb - it is an action; achievement is a noun - it is an idea or something that can be done.
Read below about FITNESS TODAY MEMBERSHIP FEES: MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY DUE UPON JOINING Monthly One Time Adult $36 $100 Family* $51 $150 Single Parent Family** $42 $100 Senior Adult (60+ yrs.) $30 $100 Student (18-22 yrs.)*** $23 * Includes 2 adults and all children under 18 within the same household. ** Includes 1 adult and all children under 18 within the same household. *** Full-time student with ID, no one time available. What kind of membership can a student get, and what is required with the membership?
What is: only a monthly membership ($23 per month) and they must have an ID present.
What are Federal Holidays? Can you name two?
What is: a holiday that the United States recognizes and banks shut down (also known as "Bank Holidays"), such as Independence Day, Memorial Day, New Years, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
What is the difference between the popular vote and the electoral vote?
What is: the popular vote is where the citizens of the United States vote; the electoral vote is the official vote.
How many official languages are there of the UN?
What is: 6 - English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.
What is the difference between an adjective and an adverb?
What is: an adjective describes a noun and an adverb usually describes a verb.
Handy Hardware store is a small, family-owned business that has managed to survive despite the fact that there are several large chain hardware stores throughout East City. Handy’s has a loyal customer base and they do a good business. Many people go to Handy’s because of the friendly service and fair prices. It is located not far from a residential area, so many people can walk there. The owner, Ed Handy, knows many of his customers and they like and trust him. Ed has heard that a large chain store, Home Helper, is opening a new store not far from Handy’s, and he is very concerned that he won’t be able to compete. His prices are reasonable, but because his store is small, he doesn’t have the huge volume of merchandise and the many selections that Home Helper has. His store cannot carry large items such as lumber and appliances, and it doesn’t have nursery or gardening supplies either. Ed realizes it is convenient for shoppers to be able to buy many things in one store. What is Ed's concern and what are some things he worries about with the new store?
What is: Ed is worried about the competition. He worries that they will have lower prices; more variety of merchandise such as lumber, appliances, and gardening; and that people will want to shop for more things at once. (two examples will be accepted)
What religion is often associated with major holidays in the United States?
What is: Christianity
What is the difference between a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian and the Green Party?
What is: the Democrats believe in social change or progression provided by the government; the Republicans believe in the trickle down effect and less government; the Libertarians believe in the smallest possible federal government and getting rid of laws that interfere with people and business; and the Green Party believes in the environment and want social justice for everyone.
Who won the popular vote in the election and by what percent?
Who is: Hillary Clinton, by .5% (Hillary Clinton received 47.8%; Donald Trump received 47.3%. 47.8-47.3=.5)
What does the word, "vocular" mean? (Describing it, instead of the exact definition, is okay.)
What is: "weak vocal" or not said loudly.