If Household consists of unmarried Mom, undocumented Dad, one child in common and 2 children of Mom's from a previous relationship, who is all considered in the family?
What is everyone? Mom, Dad, there child incommon and her 2 other children because there is a child in common that ties everyone together.
If Client is in Sanction, can they receive childcare assistance?
What is Yes. If they are working to clear Sanction or if they are employed.
What Children are eligible for CCSP? (Childcare Subsidy's Program)
What is U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, qualified alien or legally residing.
Name 4 types of countable income for CCSP.
What is TANF, employment, childsupport, SSi, SSA, SSDI, unemployment, VA, L & I, Income from Sale of property, Pension/retirement, Refugee assistance?
Up to how much can a chilcare center claim in Field Trip Fees per month per child?
What is $20.00?
Household consists of Mom, her 16 year old daughter and her Granddaughter, the 16 year olds child. Who is in this household for childcare?
What is the 16 year old and her child only.
Name 3 Non-TANF approved activities.
What is Employment, self-employment,work study, Vista, Americorps, Jobcorps, HS or GED if under 22 years of age, BFET, Vocational Education or ESL (English as a second)
How do you verify eligiblity of a specific child?
What is Birth certificate, U.S. passport, cert of naturalization, Dept of Health records or adoption records.
Name 4 types of income NOT counted.
What is income Tax return, Diversion cash assistance, Military housing and food allowance, Adoption support, Income from a minor, Native American payments, Educational income, Non-needy family members and TANF for the first three consecutive canendar months after you start a new job.
How many units would you authorize a to a non school age child where Mom and Dad are in fulltime job search thru TANF to a licensed daycare? and would they be FT or HD?
What is 23 FT units?
Household consists of undocumented Mom and Dad, 4 children, ages 18 and under, with the three oldest being undocumented also. Who is in the Household?
What is Mom, Dad and all 4 of the children?
What is SCC?
What is Seasonal Childcare?
What 2 times during a certification period could the copayment increase?
What is if the department at original application made an error in calculation or if the client did not disclose all the income information?
If Grandma and Grandpa have custody of little Bobby and they are getting childcare assistance, do we count Grandma and Grandpa's income?
What is NO.
Do we pay a Registration fee to unlicensed providers?
What is NO?
Household consists of an unmarried mom on TANF, her boyfriend not on TANF, her 3 children by a different relationship that are on TANF with her and one child in common with the boyfriend that is not on TANF. Who is in this WCCC household?
What is everyone? They must apply as a family and Boyfriend must be in an approved activity for childcare.
What are the activies of SCC?
What is seasonal agricultural employment such as touching the fruit, planting, thinning, prunning, harvesting or packing crop.
Mom, undocumented Boyfriend and one child in common, who is in the household?
What is all three?
What is the only deduction used for childcare when figuring the copayment?
What is court ordered child support?
Can a provider claim days if the child stays home sick? and if so what is the max days provider can claim for no show days?
What is yes and 5 is the max they can claim.
What is household for Grandmother that has temporary custody of 3 grandchildren, 2 of which are brothers and are her sons children. The third child is Grandma's daughter's child a girl.
What is .. two Grandsons would be one household. Grandaughter would be a separate household.
Can a client receive TANF and SCC?
What is No?
Mom, Dad married, 2 children in common and Mom's 3 children by a previous marriage. How many households and whom do they consist of?
What is one household? and all 7 are in the household
What is the FPL for childcare?
What 200%.
Name the 3 different types of Providers.
What is Unlicensed, Licensed daycare homes and Licensed Daycare Centers? (certifed also)