The wrist is ______ to the hand
Numbness and tingling down an arm could indicate a problem at what c-level?
The most common MOI of an anterior shoulder dislocation
External Rotation and Abduction
Name the 4 regions of the spine from top to bottom
Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral and Coccyx
Medial epicondylitis is also known as
Golfers elbow
How many bones are in the hand?
A stinger is the stretching of the nerves in which area
Brachial Plexus
These bones make up the shoulder complex
Clavicle, Humerus, Scapula, Sternum
Define Kyphosis
Increases flexion (outward) in the normal curve of the thoracic spine, rounded shoulders
what is an avulsion fracture
When a soft tissue tears and breaks a piece of bone off
3 (Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Pollicis Longus)
Completly severed nerve
"Drop Arm Test" tests for what
The spinal cord goes through this part of the vertebrae
Neural Arch
Colle's Fracture
Fracture through the Distal Radius
Carpal tunnel is the compression of which nerve
Median nerve
What is hit when you hit your funny bone
ulnar nerve
The most violent phase of throwing
Name the different parts of the brain
When can the Scaphoid be palpated from
anatomical snuffbox
name the carpals (lateral to medial)
trapezium, trapizoid, capitate, hamate, scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform
this nerve works with the triceps brachii
radial nerve
Biceps Brachii short head origin
coracoid process
Arterial bleeding between meninges & brain
Epidural Hematoma