regularly regular rhythm with p waves preceding each QRS HR 75bpm
what is Normal Sinus Rhythm
a run of 4 or more narrow beats with abnormal p waves averaging 125 bpm
What is atrial tachycardia or PAC run
irregularly irregular rhythm with no discernable p waves ventricular rate of 80 bpm
What is atrial fibrillation
every other p wave is not conducted for an extended amount of time
Mobitz 2 2:1
polymorphic wide complex tachycardia
A regularly irregular rhythm that is common in young people and occurs with breath
What is Sinus Arrhythmia
Irregularly irregular rhythm with at least 3 different p wave morphologies and HR of 75
What is WAP or wandering atrial pacemaker
Tall voltage in V4 V5 V6 with inverted T waves and elevated BP
What is LVH
Irregularly irregular HR of 175
What is Afib with RVR
P waves are present with no ventricular response
What is ventricular standstill
One early beat with an abnormal p wave
what is an isolated PAC
Wide complex rhythm with p waves and a negative deflection in V1 V2 V3 and positive deflection in V6
What is a Left Bundle Branch Block
Regularly regular rhythm with no P waves and a heart rate of 45 bpm
What is junctional rhythm
Sustained monomorphic wide complex QRS at 190 bpm with no discernable p waves
What is Sustained ventricular tachycardia
Severe myocardial injury as seen on an ECG with extensive ST elevation.
What is "Tombstoning"
One early beat with wide QRS and no p wave
What is an isolated PVC
PRI of 210 ms heart rate of 75bpm no symptoms
What is 1st degree AV block
NSR that intermittently becomes irregularly irregular with no discernable p waves
a variable PRI with a heart rate of 40bpm symptomatic for fatigue
What is a 3rd degree block
what appears to be electrical activity on an ECG with no palpable pulse
What is Pulseless Electrical Activity or "PEA"
wide complex rhythm with a positive deflection in V1 and an RsR or "M" morphology
A PRI that gradually gets longer then drops a QRS
What is a Wenckebach or Mobitz1
Wide complex rhythm of 40 bpm with no discernable p waves
ST elevation in V4 V5 V6 with changes to the reciprocal leads
Pulseless flat line
What is Asystole