How many fruits does the bible teaches us?
9 fruits
How many book are in the bible?
66 books
Was Job rich or poor?
He was rich
How many pieces of armor do we have?
7 pieces
Is praying in the morning biblical?
Yes it is.
List 2 fruits
Love, Joy, Peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance
What comes first Old Testament or New Testament?
Think about it.......
Old testament
Did Job stop loving God?
Is the Bible one of the armor pieces
Extra 150 points- tell me why?
Why do we need to pray in our knees?
Because it shows respect unto God.
When it comes to faith can you please God if you don't have faith? EXPLAIN
No, if you don't have faith you can't please God. You need faith to see what he's done in our life's and our family
What does the book of Exodus mean?
The Israelites exiting Egypt.
Why was Job tested?
The devil told God that he only worshipped him because he was really blessed
what is the meaning of the shoe?
Going and telling the good news to the lost people. To be ready and available
Yes, it can because people can unite to pray for each other or for their petitions.
What does Long Suffering mean ?
to be patient with each other
What 4 books are known as the Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Did Jobs wife help him keep trusting in God or just try to put bad thoughts into his head?
She lost her faith and told her to give up and blame God
What does the breast plate of righteousness means?
When the devil try's to attack your heart, emotions and self-worth the righteousness of God protects your heart
Meaning of righteousness: living in a way that is just, honest, and in accordance with God's will.
What is the meaning of prayer?
It's a way for us to connect and speak with God
Why do we as Christians need the fruits of the Spirit?
We need the fruits to become better people and to show the love of Christ
Tell me the 10 books of the bible we just learned?
1 & 2 Samuel
What happened after Job was tested? And what's the main idea to take from this?
God blessed him with double of what he had!!
The story of Job teaches us that even when things are tough, we should trust God.
Why is it important to have the armor of God?
When we have the armor of God, it helps us with any type of problems. It's more of spiritual problems but it can also be physical problems.
When you ask God for something that you want, does he give it to us? EXPLAIN
Only if he knows that it's something we actually need or something meaningful