Anterior Neck

What muscles does the brachial plexus split through?

What is...




Kinetics vs kinematics

Work vs power

Stress vs strain

Osteokinematics vs arthrokinematics (of the knee flexion in open chain)

What is...

Kinetics = What creates or powers movement

Kinematics = Displacement of a segment without regard to forces that cause that movement

Work = Force x Distance

Power = ability to maintain work over time

Stress = load 

Strain = amount of give (bend, lengthen, deformation)

Osteokinematics = tibia moving posteriorly on femur

Arthrokinematics = concave tibia rolling and gliding in the same direction on the convex femur


Lindsey's lats don't work too well (but they are getting better at firing), because she only scored a 3/5 MMT. What nerve must she retrain in order to improve her motor recruitment and score a 4/5 MMT? Why did her triceps start cramping during the MMT?

EC: What type of force is Lindsey producing along the shoulder joint? What type of lever is it?

What is...

Thoracodorsal nerve 

Triceps kicked in as a part of shoulder extension in order to compensate for lack of motor recruitment of the lats.

EC: Angular/rotatory force (Torque) / 3rd class lever


What is Dr. Sarmento's favorite muscle?

What is... supinator


The purpose of the elbow, forearm, and wrist is to...

What is the purpose of the shoulder?

What is...

Position the hand in space

Position the arm in space


Minelly got her widsom teeth out recently. However her oral surgeon accidentally severed her trigeminal nerve. What 2 muscles would be affected by this?

What is...

Digastric & Mylohyoid


Christine is performing a pistol squat. Why is it so hard to go back up?

Think about type of contraction, SL vs DL stance, and force vectors.

What is...

Eccentrically loading the quads + way more force going through SL leg stance + there is maximal patellofemoral resultant force vector at end range


What muscle passes under the thoracic inlet, and is most commonly involved in rotator cuff injuries? What is it innervated by?

EC: what happens biomechanically to cause impingement?

What is...

Supraspinatus (suprascapular nerve C5-C6) 

Convex humeral head glides downward on the concave glenoid fossa during abduction, causing pinching of the tendon of the supraspinatus at the greater tubercle. 


Which muscles are innervated by the posterior interosseus nerve?

What is...

Wrist and finger extensors

Extensor digitorum, Extensor digiti minimi, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Supinator, Abductor Pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis, Extensor pollicis longus, Extensor indicis


The anatomical snuffbox is an area between the tendons of which muscles? (there are 3)

What is...

Abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus


What muscles make up the carotid triangle? 

EC: vessels & nerves?

What is...

Superior belly of omohyoid, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, anterior border of SCM

EC: Internal jugular vein, carotid artery, vagus nerve, ansa cervicalis


Emily is walking across the street and sees Bad Bunny. Flabbergasted, she misses a step going off the curb and falls and breaks her hip (at the femoral neck)! 

What blood supply are we worried about her losing? Why? 

What is...

Avascular necrosis due to destruction of medial and lateral circumflex arteries


Lauren and Natalia both sleep on their tummies (weird) and sides. One day they both woke up with numbness going down the right arm after sleeping on it. They feel the numbness especially around their pinkies. What nerve and vessels might have likely been impinged over night? 

What is...

Ulnar nerve, ulnar artery, basilic vein


Which tendon, nerve, and artery run through the cubital fossa?

What is...

Biceps brachii tendon, brachial artery, median nerve


Ling often has to perform climbing holds that require flexion at only the DIP joints. What muscle must be really strong in order for her to do this? What is it innervated by?

What is...

Flexor digitorum profundus (interosseous branch of medial & ulnar nerves)


In the anatomy lab we found the ansa cervicalis nerve. One student accidentally ripped it in half (not really, I'm just making this up).

Which 3 muscles would be affected if this nerve was actually severed? What ADL would you have trouble completing if this were to occur to you?

What is...

Omohyoid, Sternohyoid & Sternothyroid

Severing of the ansa cervicalis would cause issues with swallowing & talking (would have a hoarse voice)


Cameron tore his achilles (idk how). This is a common injury for athletes who play sports that require fast twitch, explosive movements. 

Explain the biomechanical principles that lead to the tearing of such a powerful tendon. What lever is involved? Which of Newton's Laws is most appropriate to this? 

What is...

Force velocity (too fast) + eccentrically loading

2nd class lever

Newton's 3rd law: for every force applied, there is an equal and opposite force (ground reaction force in this case)


Underneath the subacromial arch is where SLAP tears occur. What makes up the subacromial arch?

What is a common mechanism of injury for SLAP tears? There are 2 possible answers.

What is...

Subacromial arch = coracoid process, coracoacromial ligament, acromion

1. SLAP tear MOI = baseball pitcher repetitive eccentric loading of biceps brachii tendon

(abd + ER)


2. SLAP tear MOI =Falling on out stretched hand (FOOSH)


Reina was running a 5k and got hit by an asian woman driver. Luckily she did not die. When she got hit, the car's side mirror forcefully collided with her shoulder.  From this freak accident, she can no longer straighten her elbow and her hand/wrist is constantly stuck in a curled position. What nerve would have most likely been damaged? What division of the brachial plexus does this nerve come from?

EC: What artery would have been affected?

What is...

Radial nerve (posterior division)

EC: profunda brachii artery


Explain Shaeffer's test, why do we use this test?

What is...

Touching thumb to pinky + flexing wrist

We use it to see the presence or absence of the palmaris longus muscle. 


There are 4 compartments of the neck, what are they and list the structures in each of them.

What is...

Visceral (trachea + esophagus + endocrinal glands)

Vertebral (cervical vertebrae + spinal cord + cervicle nerves + muscles)

2 vascular (common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve & ansa cervicalis)


Dr. Sarmento, while creating our anatomy lab quiz, drops one of the bodies on his leg. Because of this he has foot drop, a collapsed medial longitudinal arch, and cannot control plantar flexion. 

What 3 nerves have been impacted? What muscles? Where do they all attach? 

What is...

Tibialis anterior - Deep fibular nerve

Tibialis posterior - Tibial nerve

Fibularis longus - Superficial fibular nerve

They all attach at the navicular

Andrea, like most muscle mommies, must perform scaption in order to perform dumbbell shoulder presses. There are a couple of important biomechanical principles at play. 

Explain scapulo-humoral rhythm and force couples at the ST joint during scaption.  

EC: If you observe scapular winging which muscles might be weak? What are they innervated by?

What is...

Scapulohumeral rhythm 2:1 GH - ST

(1/3 from ST joint, 2/3 from GH joint)

Force couples = 2 or more muscles on opposing sides work together to provide stability (Upper trap + serratus anterior + lower trapezius)

EC: Serratus anterior (long thoracic) + rhomboids (dorsal scapular)


Lindsey and Reina are playing pronation war. Lindsey not only loses, but she tears a ligament and muscle in her forearm. 

What biomechanical joint is involved in this action? What got torn and why? What is it innervated by? 

What is...

Humeroradial joint (spin)

Pronator teres (median nerve) + annular ligament

Stress-strain --> fast acceleration/eccentrically loading of the pronator teres caused by the stronger individual (reina)


Omar fell down the stairs again! He cannot close his hand into a fist because of this. What cords were most likely damaged? If he fell on an outstretched hand, what bone in the wrist would break? 

EC: what is the vascularization in the anatomical snuffbox?

What is...

Lateral & medial cords feed into the median nerve, which innervates most of the wrist flexors and both finger flexors. He would break the scaphoid bone.

EC: radial artery & cephalic vein
