This is the number that tells us how many equals parts are in our whole.
What is the denominator?
3/4 = 1/4 + 1/4 + _______
What is 1/4?
3/5 - 1/5 =
What is 2/5?
Represent the sum as the product of a whole number and a unit fraction. 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8
What is 7 x 1/8?
Mrs. Lutzka bought 2 whole cakes. If there are 28 students in Mrs. Lutzka's class, 30 in Miss Johnson's and two teachers, a. how many pieces does she need to cut each cake into to get equal pieces? b. What array would best do this? How many rows/columns... c. What would each slice be worth as a fraction?
What is a. 60 pieces? b. 5 x 6 array c. 1/30 (each cake is a whole)
This is the number that tells us how many parts we have or are talking about...that we shade in.
What is the numerator?
5/5 = 1/5 + _____
What is 4/5?
9 3/8 - 3 6/8
What is 5 and 5/8?
Write the fraction as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction. 4/12 =
What is 4 x 1/12?
a. What unit fraction will each person get? b. What is the sum of fractions will 10 students get?
a. What is 1/30? b. What is 10/30?
This is the name for a fraction greater than one that is written with a numerator and denominator.
What is an improper fraction?
Naomi jumps rope for 2/4 hour. Then she jumps rope for another 3/4 hour. How long does Naomi jump rope in all? Answer in a complete sentence with units.
What is 2/4 + 3/4 = 5/4 = 1 and 1/4 Naomi jumps rope for 1 and 1/4 hours.
Brice buys dog treats and cat treats. He buys 5/8 pound of dog treats. This is 2/8 pound more than the cat treats. How many pounds of cat treats does Brice buy? Answer in a sentence with units.
What is 5/8 - 2/8 = 3/8 Brice bought 3/8 of a pound of cat treats.
A recipe calls for 3/4 cup of mushrooms. Degan uses 5 times as much mushrooms. How many cups of mushrooms does he use? Answer in a sentence with units.
What is 5 x 3/4 = 15/4 = 3 and 3/4 Degan used 3 and 3/4 cups of mushrooms.
If some students were absent, and we started with 2 whole cakes and only ate 1 and 14/30, how much cake is left? Show the work
What is 2 - 1 and 14/30 = 16/30?
This is the name for a number greater than one whole that has a mixture of wholes and fractions.
What is a mixed number?
2 and 7/10 + 3 and 3/10 =
What is 5 and 10/10 which equals 6?
Jeremiah plays basketball for 1/3 hour. Then he plays some more. He plays 2 and 1/3 hours in all. How much longer did Jeremiah play basketball?
What is 2 and 1/3 - 1/3? Answer: Jeremiah played basketball another 2 hours.
7 x 3/6 = Simplify to a mixed number.
What is 21/6 = 3 and 3/6 = 3 and 1/2?
If 55 kids ate cake, how much of the cake was eaten? Write this as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
What is 55 x 1/30 = 55/30 or 1 and 25/30?
This is the name for a fraction that represents one equal part of the whole.
What is a unit fraction? Example: 1/3 or 1/5 or 1/100
5 2/3 + 4 2/3
What is 9 and 4/3 which equals 10 and 1/3?
6 - 2 and 4/5 =
What is 3 and 1/5?
Cheyenne’s soup recipe calls for 3/4 cup milk. She needs 3 times as much milk to make a triple batch of soup. How many cups of milk does Rebecca need?
What is 3 x 3/4 = 9/4? Cheyenne needs 2 and 1/4 cups of milk.
Write at least two ways to find the sum of two whole cakes using fractions. ____ + ____ = 2 (in terms of our cakes) ____ + ____ = 2
What is lots of choices? 30/30 + 30/30 = 60/30 = 2 50/30 + 10/30 = 60/30 = 2