We have 4 main class rules. What are they?
Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy
If I need a drink after recess do I
1) Stop and get a drink in the hallway
2) Line up at the drinking fountain when I get into the classroom.
What is 1 way we can show empathy in our classroom?
*see response*
Where are the fast finishers?
By the sink under the "Fast Finishers" sign.
What do I do if I need a drink of water during a math lesson?
Hold up three fingers (the water symbol).
How do we show respect during morning announcements?
Cleaning up quietly, walking to our desks, and listening to the announcements with our voices off.
What happens when Mrs. Preston says "ALL SET?"
We say "YOU BET" then turn off our voices and face forward.
What does RISE stand for?
Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy
What do I do if I need to go to the bathroom during close read?
Raise my hand with my fingers crossed (the bathroom signal).
How many pencils should be in your desk?
Answer yes or no to these questions.
1) Can I close my eyes during read aloud?
2) Can I lay down during read aloud?
3) Can I shout out during read aloud?
1) No
2) Yes
3) No
Where do we go in the classroom after recess?
To the oval to start read aloud.
Our class has 2 rules during an emergency. What are those 2 rules?
1) Stay calm
2) Follow instructions
What should it look like when everyone in class needs to get a whiteboard?
Everyoen stands up when Mrs. Preston tells them. Then, we line up quietly along the counter and get a whiteboard. Finally, we go straight back to our desk.
What should I do if I need a pencil during writing?
Walk quietly to the pencil station. Put my old pencil in the "dull" container and grab a new pencil from the "sharp" container.
What does a respectful morning meeting look like and sound like?
We sit in a circle at the back of the room. We talk when it is our turn and listen quietly to our classmates.
What is the expectation for walking in the hallways?
We walk with our voices off in a single file line and make sure we keep our hands to ourselves.
BONUS (+100 points): What is Mrs. Preston's favorite drink?
Dr. Pepper
BONUS (+100 points): Name a sport that Mrs. Preston did in high school.
Track and cross country
What should I do if I need markers, erasers, or a pair of scissors?
Ask Mrs. Preston first and then get your supplies from the bins.
How can you show that you respectfully agree with someone without using your words during a close read lesson?
Make the "I agree" symbol and shake your hand.
When is our 10 minute quiet break AND what do we do during the break?
The break is after reading MTSS groups. During the quiet break we can have our head on our desk, color, or read silently.
How can we show empathy during our end of the day clean up?
Help our classmates pick up the room and include everyone.
There are 6 things we do at the end of the day to clean up the classroom. List 4 of the things you need to do.
1) Put homework away
2) Clean off your desk
3) Put your chair up
4) Clean up under your desk
5) Do your class job
6) Clean up the rest of the floor
Imagine you are in the middle of a math lesson and your pencil breaks. You look in your desk but your second pencil is broken. There are no sharp pencils in the sharp pencil bin. What should you do?
Ask the classmate sitting by you if they have an extra pencil. If they do not, raise your hand. Mrs. Preston will ask the class to see who has an extra pencil.