Interconnected Ecosystems
Biological and Chemical Parallels
Synthesis of Scientific Approaches
Regenerative Capabilities of Nature
Intrinsic Value and Ecosystem Relationships

What is ecosystem interconnectivity?

The concept that ecosystems function as interconnected networks where various elements interact and influence each other.


What parallels exist between trees' ecosystems and the human brain?

 Processes in a high-functioning forest mirror the maps of the human brain, indicating a complex network similar to neural networks.


Can you define Western and Aboriginal science?

Western science focuses on empirical evidence and quantifiable data, while Aboriginal science emphasizes interconnectedness and holistic perspectives.


What mechanisms do forests possess for recovery?

 Forests have inherent regenerative properties capable of recovering from disturbances.


What is intrinsic value in the context of ecosystems?

The inherent worth of elements within ecosystems, such as salmon and trees, that contributes to the overall health and balance of the ecosystem.


What challenges traditional views of forests?

The concept of forests as single living organisms.


What is the role of mature hub trees in forests?

Similar to elder human beings, they care for and protect the younger species around them.


What difficulties did Simard face with her research's acceptance?

She struggled to publish her work because it was perceived as unscientific by Western standards, despite its groundbreaking nature.


What does Simard implore regarding forest regeneration?

She urges not to interfere with the forest's inherent regenerative properties but to embrace the cycle of growth, death, and renewal.


How do salmon, trees, and humans exhibit similar traits?

They operate independently but share traits that reflect their interconnected roles within ecosystems.


What underscores the connections between nature and humanity?

Chemical similarities between forest components and human neurotransmitters.


What system is the forest compared to for its self-healing capabilities?

The regenerative system that is a forest is compared to the human capacity for recovery.


What does the Heiltsuk Nation case study illustrate?

The intricate relationship between salmon populations and forest productivity.


What promotes and non-anthropocentric view 

  • Forests remind us to shift our perspectives beyond human-centered ideologies 

  • Emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings 

  • Encourage humility and respect towards nature Discussion Question: Do you agree with Simard that we should not interfere with 


What controls soil health and ecosystem stability?

The root structures and bacterial activity belowground.


What are common molecules that move between plants?

Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water.


What are the models of science that Simard compares?

The holistic nature of Aboriginal science versus the reductionist approach of Western science.


Why is collaboration between Western and Aboriginal science important?

 It offers comprehensive insights into ecological systems by integrating diverse perspectives and knowledge systems.


What similarities exist between ecosystem recovery and human recovery?

Both ecosystems and humans have mechanisms for recovery and resilience, emphasizing the natural capacity for healing.


What is the significance of embracing growth, death, and renewal cycles?

It's crucial for maintaining the balance and health of ecosystems, allowing for natural regeneration and sustainability.
