Answer: @Legend
What role do you get from reaching level 20 with MEE6?
Question: What 2 events are going on right now?
Christmas Countdown and Winter
Answer: Antwon and Arcy
Who are the owners of the server?
Question: What channel are giveaways held in?
Answer: Second YouTube channel to reach 100 million subscribers
Who is PewDiePie?
Question: What bot grants you roles upon reaching levels 5, 10, 15, and 20?
Answer: @Dog Lover & @Cat Lover
What roles can be obtained during the Pet Event?
Answer: The emoji that shows up in the role name for a moderator.
What is crossed_swords?
ANSWER: #inventories
Where can you see what you have purchased?
Question: Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury for the United States of America?
Alexander Hamilton
Question: In the most recent Star Wars event, what role could be earned instead of @Imperial?
Question: During which event was the first Art Contest held in?
Question: Who are the moderators of the server? (Name all of them)
Antwon120, Arcy/Arxy, Crazed/Dr/Loving Vulpes/Fennec/Fen/Fenny/Cat
Question: You can promote in #promo after reaching what level?
Level 5
Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: @Champion of Halloween
What was the role given out to the person who won the Trick or Treat game during the Halloween event?
Question: What was the "test" event that was held during the Beta Test?
Star Wars
Answer: Fix your grammar!
What is "!vulpes"?
Question: What bot lets you create a voice channel by joining one?
Question: What was the first country to reach space?
Soviet Union
Question: What role do you get after inviting 10 people?
Answer: @Inviter Level 4
Question: During which event was the first Meme Competition held?
It wasn't part of an event :)
Question: Who retired from moderation?
Nute Gunray
Question: When was We Were Testing founded?
April 2, 2020
Question: Which Roman god is January named after?