What do we call the drops of water that fall from the sky?
What kind of weather is typical for winter?
Snowy weather/cold weather
What can you do on a sunny day?
Go outside to play, have a picnic, or go for a walk.
What season comes after summer?
What to do if you hear thunder?
Go indoors to a sturdy building or vehicle.
What do clouds consist of?
Clouds consist of tiny water droplets or ice crystals.
what adjectives do we use when we want to describe weather with strong wind; lots of clouds; with a fog?
Name three outdoor activities people can do when it's snowy.
Snowboarding, skiing, building a snowman, sledding.
What are the typical weather patterns in spring?
Warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, increased rainfall.
What is your favourite weather? Do you enjoy autumn?
Well done!!!
What tool do meteorologists use to measure temperature outside?
Describe the weather in the desert in three words.
Hot, dry, sandy wind, scorching sun
What remains on the ground after heavy rain?
What idiom can describe the period of warm and dry weather in autumn?
Indian summer
Does it bother you much when it rains?
How do people know the weather for the next day?
Weather forecast
Which adjectives can be used to describe "little" and "big" rain?
Drizzling rain/heavy rain
What danger can wait for a person who has spent a lot of time in the sun?
What phrase can you use to describe the complete coverage of the ground with snow?
A blanket of snow
Do you think the weather is changing due to global warming?
Good job!
In what climatic zone is Ukraine?
The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental (mild climate), only on the southern coast of Crimea - subtropical.
Describe a rainbow and how it appears in the sky.
A rainbow is a colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain.
What phrase can be used to describe the state of a person who has been in the rain for a long time and clothes are very wet?
To get drenched
Why do we have different seasons?
Because of the tilt of the Earth's axis as it revolves around the sun.
Do you check weather forecasts? In which ways can they be useful?
Well done!