Is lightning loud
What is No
Can you get hurt from thunder.
What is yes.
Name one type of Front.
What is cold
what is warm
what is stationary
what is occluded
Can you die from a blizzard.
What is yes.
What does Lightning travel through.
What are clouds.
What comes first Lightning or thunder.
What is lightning.
What is a front.
What is a weather system that is the boundary separating 2 types of air.
What is a blizzard.
What is a snowstorm with very high winds.
What cloud does Lightning start in.
What is cumulonimbus.
What is thunder.
What is a short weather disturbance that is associated with lightning.
What is one characteristic of a front.
What is air density.
What is wind
what is temperature.
what is humidity
Do you need snowfall for a blizzard to form.
What is No.
What causes Lightning
What are the differences in charges that becomes too great.
How do thunderstorms form.
What is when warm and cool air collides.
How does a front form.
What is the more dense cool air pushes up against the more dense warm air.
Where are blizzards most common.
What is the American Midwest.
Can lightning strike in the same place twice.
What is yes
How long do thunderstorms last.
What is 30 minutes.
Name all 4 Fronts
What are Cold, Warm, Stationary and occluded
What is the biggest danger in a blizzard.
What are cold temperatures.