Little to no precipitation
Very hot OR very cold
High pressure
Low humidity
95 Degrees F
Sunny and dry
High Level
thin and wispy
signal weather is going to change soon
What precipitation comes down when it is below freezing?
How do you tell which direction a storm is headed?
A lot of precipitation
Cool to moderate temperatures year round
Many trees
Temperate Forest
High Pressure
High humidity
80 Degrees F
Sunny and Humid
Mid level
sometimes appear with other cloud types
signal good weather
What precipitation usually comes down during a hurricane?
What is important when predicting weather?
Humidity and air pressure
Plants in water
Home to many animals
Warm summers and cold winters
Low Pressure
High Humidity
30 Degrees F
Snowy and Cold
mid level
dark gray that arrives with rain or snow
fill the sky and block sun
What precipitation comes down when it's just above freezing temperatures but not quite cold enough to freeze all the way down?
It is colder at the top than at the bottom
Cold summers and even colder winters
Very low humidity
Very little precipitation
Low pressure
High humidity
90 Degrees F
Rainy and warm
Dense and thick (like cotton candy)
appear on nice days with great weather
In what season does it rain the least in Florida?
High elevation
Cold temperatures up top but moderate down low
Sometimes has snow on top
Low Pressure
High humidity
75 Degrees F
Strong winds
Cloud coverage
associated with rain, hail, lightning, and tornadoes
What form of solid precipitation is associated with storms?
What temperature is freezing?
0° C / 32° F