Water that falls from clouds
What is rain
A type of Storm created when rain mixes with electric charges that form lightning
What Is Thunder Storms
Lots of bugs float in the air before this usually happens
What is Hurricane Prediction
How hot or cold something is at a said time or period
What is temperature
Counting a crickets chirps in one sitting
What Is Temperature prediction
The response of ice a dirt mixing and freezing causing a type of rain that falls in ice form
What is snow
A storm caused by warm water being interrupted by prevailing winds causing it to form a gyre in the air. Very native to the southern coast
what is a Hurricane
Worms wriggle out of the ground to not drown
What Is a signal that a storm is coming
The average temperature over a long period of time
What is Climate
The Temperature in relation to this cold season.
What Is Winter Weather
Sound waves in response to the ripple of Lightning
What is Thunder
A snow storm caused by prevailing winds going onto land making a storm
What is a Blizzard
a 8 inch Behemoth created in a hailstorm
What is the largest hailstone
a Signal sent out warning people that a hurricane is imminent
What is A Hurricane watch
How dense the air is in the atmosphere in relation to the temperature and season
What Is humidity
Energy pulses that are caused by electric charges in clouds
What is Lightning
a storm caused by a thunderstorm swirling like a hurricane but it stays on land.
a heatwave that turned grapes to raisins
What is the heatwave of 2003
A Signal sent out describing that you should evacuate because within 48 hours a dangerous storm will arrive
What is a Hurricane warning
When Dirt, wind, and sand mixes causing a storm that is blurry and dark black
What Is Black Blizzard
Pulses of energy that are simulated high in the air from a different type of electric charges, causing a shade of red and it bounces of the clouds in the atmosphere
What is Red Lightning
A storm caused by when the soft ground whirls like a hurricane causing a dangerous storm
What is sandstorms
a prediction based on the location of volcanoes in relation to where storms happen
What is Lightning Prediction
a map showing the state of weather over a large area
What Is a weather map
the pressure of the air in relation to the clouds distance from the ground and humidity in the atmosphere.
What is Atmospheric Preassure