The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere compared to how much it can hold at that temperature.
What is relative humidity?
Wind is created by this.
What is a difference in air pressure?
Solid particles in the atmosphere that cloud droplets form onto.
What are condensation nuclei?
Type of precipitation that occurs when water vapor deposits directly onto freezing nuclei, building to form unique, patterns.
What is snow?
This can make moving air feel colder than it really is.
What is the wind-chill factor?
This instrument is used to measure wind speed.
What is an anemometer?
An area of high pressure that rotates clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
What is an anticyclone?
The prefix that means "mid-level" clouds.
What is alto-?
Type of precipitation that may form water droplets up to 5 mm in diameter.
What is rain?
The scientific study of the atmosphere.
What is meteorology?
A barometer is used to measure this.
What is air pressure?
This deflects global winds to the left or right because of the rotation of the earth.
What is the Coriolis effect?
Shape of cloud that means layers or sheets.
What is stratus?
Type of precipitation where updrafts add layers of ice to pellets until they become heavy enough to fall.
What is hail?
A mass of extremely tiny liquid water droplets or ice crystals in the air.
What is a cloud?
This instrument is used to measure air temperature.
What is a thermometer?
These global winds blow from 30 degrees N and S towards the equator.
What are the trade winds?
Small, white puffy clouds high in the sky.
What are cirrocumulus clouds?
Type of precipitation where liquid water suddenly freezes onto surfaces.
What is freezing rain?
The condition of Earth's atmosphere at any given time and place.
What is weather?
A weather vane is used to measure this.
What is wind direction?
Zones of high pressure caused by descending air at 30 degrees latitude where there is little to no horizontal winds.
What are the horse latitudes?
These clouds form low, dark layers that bring rain.
What are nimbostratus clouds?
Type of precipitation where ice pellets form as supercooled raindrops freeze as they fall.
What is sleet?
The freezing and boiling points of water on the Fahrenheit scale.
What are 32 and 212 degrees?