Climate at the equator
What is tropical?
What cloud tells us a thunderstorm is building?
What is a cumulonimbus?
Sing the chorus of the water cycle song
What is
The water cycle keeps the water moving up and down and all around the earth?
The higher the elevation, the __________the temperature.
What is lower?
This is the fuel for a hurricane
What is warm water?
Climate just outside the tropical zone?
What is sub-tropical?
What type of storm is primarily caused by wind shear?
hi mom
What is a tornado?
The thing that starts the water cycle and the reason it goes faster in the summer.
What is the sun?
A landlocked climate tends to be___________than the ones near a body of water
What is drier?
A cycle of this type of air rising can create severe weather
What is warm air?
Climate type at the poles
What is polar?
The reason hurricane season is summer
What is the warmth of the water?
When liquid water on earth is heated, turns to a gas and rises
What is evaporation?
This climate factor gives a place an overall milder climate than its neighbors
What is proximity to water?
If you are outside in a lighning storm and there is no shelter, where should you go?
What is in a car?
Climate type that has warm summers and cold winters
What is temperate?
What type of air pressure tells meteorologists to be on the lookout for a hurricane developing?
What is an area of low air pressure?
Name the four types of precipitation
What are snow, hail, sleet and rain?
The one factor that is more important than all the others in determining the climate type
What is latitude?
Explain why it never snows here
the temperature of the air causes the snowflakes to turn into rain
List the four major climate types, in order, from the equator to the poles
What is tropical, sub-tropical, temperate and polar?
Name three things to never do during a lightning storm.
What in water, be on corded electronics, take a bath or a shower, lay on concrete, be outside, hold metal objects..?
When the gas from evaporation cools and turns back to a liquid forming or joining clouds
What is condensation?
List the four main factors that determine a climate.
hi mom
What are latitude, elevation, proximity to water and landlocked
Thae layer of the atmosphere closest to earth
What is the troposphere?