What tool measures temperature
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What is climate?
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climate is the long-term weather patterns of a certain place
What is weather?
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is the certain type of weather in a certain place or time.
What are the people that predict the weather called?
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What cloud is normally seen in the sky?
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cumulus cloud
What tool measures wind direction?
Weather Vane
how is climate different from weather?
Weather is short-term, Climate is long-term
What causes strong hurricanes?
Warm ocean waters and thunderstorms fuel strong hurricanes
What does a cold front look like?
A line with a row of triangles
What cloud is high up in the sky?
Cirrus cloud
What tool measures wind speed?
How long do scientists wait to determine what the climate is at a certain place?
Around 30 years
what is the cloud that brings hail,rain,sleet, and snow
cumulonimbus cloud
What does a warm front look like?
A line with a row of half circles
what is the cloud that brings hail,rain,sleet, and snow
cumulonimbus cloud
What tool measures rainfall?
Rain gauge
What is El Niño?
a warming of the ocean surface, or above-average sea surface temperatures, in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.
What cloud is high up in the sky?
Cirrus cloud
What happens when a cold front and a warm front meet?
It becomes a stationary front
How are clouds made?
What tool measures atmospheric pressure?
What is Climate change?
Climate change involves significant changes, over several decades or longer, in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns.
How is weather formed?
temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloud formation, wind, humidity and rain
What is the most accurate weather map?
how many types of clouds are there?
there are more than ten, but if you said any of the above you are correct! Here are the cloud types,cirrus, cumulus, and stratus, plus a fourth special type, nimbus