This is the most common type of precipitation. We get it often in Taipei
Name 3 types of weather we might experience in Taipei.
Sunny, Cloudy, Windy, Rainy, Stormy, Typhoon
What is climate?
Weather over a long period of time
What is the main factor for human caused climate change?
Greenhouse gasses, burning fossil fuels, carbo dioxide.
What is my favorite color?
This precipitation happens when the air beneath the clouds is cold.
What are 3 of the major weather factors?
Temperature, Humidity, Air pressure, Wind, Precipitation, Cloud Cover
What are 3 climate factors?
Sun, Latitude, Atmosphere, Geography (ocean, mountains, landforms)
What are 2 natural causes of climate change?
Volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, sun's energy output, changes in Earth's orbit.
What is my son's name?
This precipitation happens when there is some warm air beneath the clouds, but cold air beneath that, re-freezing the precipitation before it hits the ground.
Describe the water cycle in order
What are the 3 main climate zones?
Tropical, Temperate, Polar
What are 2 reasons for human caused climate change?
Farming, energy production, transportation, factories / industry
What is one of my hobbies?
Rock climbing, crochet
This precipitation happens when there is some cold air near the Earth's surface, but warmer air above it, causing the precipitation to freeze as it lands on the ground.
Freezing Rain
Name 3 types of severe / extreme weather.
Hurricane / Typhoon, Thunderstorm, Drought, Tornado
What effect does elevation have on a location's climate?
It will be colder the higher up you are.
What are 2 effects climate change can have on the Earth?
Where did I live before Taiwan?
This precipitation happens when strong winds continually push it back into the clouds, causing it to grow in size until eventually it falls to the ground.
What are 3 dangers severe / extreme weather can pose to humans?
Floods, Landslides, Fires, Lightning, Destruction, Death / Disease
What would happen if the Earth had no atmosphere?
It would freeze, there would be no more water, it would be extremely cold at night and hot in the daytime, there would be no air to breathe.
How do scientists know that our climate is changing?
Yearly weather data, ice core samples, atmospheric measurements, comparing data across years.
What is my favorite Science subject?
Space / physics