Earth's Atmosphere
Heating the Earth
Weathering and Erosion
Natural Resources
True or false. Air can be compressed.
Uneven heating of Earth by the Sun causes..... A. humidity B. clouds C. Wind D. Precipitation
C. Wind
A girl went into the bathroom after her sister finished showering. The girl's glasses fogged up, and she could not see. The girl's glasses fogging up is an example of ____.
Most landforms take a long time to change. Name an example of a change that happens rapidly.
Earthquake, volcano, land slide.
What is a renewable resource? Give an example.
Something that can be used over and over again. Air.
What is the difference between weather and climate?
Climate is waht you expect; weather is what you get. Climate is the average temperature over an extended period of time.
The major source of energy that heaths the Earth is....
The Sun.
A boy washed his clothes in a lake on a camping trip. He hung them on a tree, and in a few hours they were dry. The clothes drying is an example of _____.
What is the difference between weathering and erosion. Give an example from our experiment.
Weathering makes the mess. Erosion carries it away. water/wind/Toothpick= weathering. Wind/water=erosion
What is a nonrenewable resource? Give an example.
A resource that can't be used again. Coal
Describe what the shadow of a tree would look like at noon?
Short and right below it.
A girl was at the part on a hot, sunny day. She took her shoes off and ran around on the grass in the sunshine. To get a drink, she had to walk on the sidewalk. The sidewalk was so hot that she had to run so her bare feet wouldn't hurt. Why was the sidewalk hotter than the grass?
The grass and the sidewalk absorb heat at different rates.
Snow, sleet, hail and rain are all examples of _____.
When water fills cracks in rocks and freezes, it can break rocks apart. This happens because water ______ when it freezes.
Which factor causes particles of earth material to settle sooner?
Particle size.
Describe what a person's shadow would look like at 3 in the afternoon.
It would be in the east and kind of long.
Energy transfer happens in three different ways. Match the name of each type of energy transfer to its description. (convection, radiation, or conduction) ______- By contact ______- By flow of fluid in liquid or gas ______- By waves or rays
Conduction- By contact Convection- By flow of fluid in liquid or gas Radiation- By waves or rays
Phase changes, such as evaporation and condensation are most directly related to _____.
temperature change
Identify if the following are examples of EROSION or WEATHERING. - Abrasion causes rocks to break into smaller pieces. - Pieces of rock move down a mountain with the melting snow. - A crack in a rock fills with water and freezes. - Calcite in limestone reacts with acid rain.
- Weathering - Erosion - Weathering - Erosion
Volcanic eruptions create new land by adding _____. A. gases to the air B. heat to the soil on Earth's surface C. new rock to Earth's surface D. water vapor to the air
C. new rock to Earth's surface.
Describe why we have night and day.
Earth spins and half of the earth is always facing the sun and half is in a shadow.
The air gets warm when the Sun shines on Earth. Explain how that happens.
- Some of the Sun's radiant energy is absorbed directly by gas particles. - Radiant solar energy also strikes Earth's surface; soil and water absorb the energy. - Particles in Earth's surface materials increase their motion (they heat up). - Particles of gases in the air come into contact with Earth's heated surfaces. If the surface is warmer than the air, energy transfers from surface to air by conduction; air particles increase their motion (they heat up).
Fill in ALL the blanks... - When water changes from water vapor (gas) to liquid_____ - When water changes from liquid to solid (ice) ________ - When water changes from solid (ice) to liquid ______ - When water changes from liquid to water vapor (gas)____
Condense Melt Freeze Evaporate
Identify if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. - Water moves faster when the slope is steep. - Earth materials settle out faster when the slope is steep. - The delta formed in a stream table with no slope is larger.
- True - False - Flase
Earth materials are important natural resources. List and explain how earth materials are used in your community.
Answers may vary.