Water Cycle
Weather Instruments
Atmospheric Layers
Weather Careers
Natural Disasters
This star is the energy force behind the water cycle.
What is the sun?
This instrument measure the amount of rainfall.
What is a rain gauge?
The layer of atmosphere we live in.
What is the Troposphere?
This person studies the atmosphere and analyzes the current weather conditions.
What is a Meteorologist?
This natural disaster is caused by movement along plate boundaries. It moves in waves through the Earth, and can cause buildings to collapse.
What is an Earthquake?
The suns rays heat the ocean and changes liquid water into water vapor.
What is evaporation?
This instrument measures the amount of humidity in the atmosphere.
What is a hygrometer?
This layer of atmosphere has temperatures up to 2000 degrees Celsius.
What is the Thermosphere?
This scientist studies long-term weather patterns for a particular area. Their study will include the climate of a region.
What is Climatologist?
When a cool air mass meets a warm air mass, this natural disaster can be the result. Rotation of the clouds forms this funnel which can destroy anything in its path.
What is Tornado?
Water vapor cools in the atmosphere and recombines to form clouds.
What is condensation?
This instrument measures the amount of air pressure in the atmosphere.
What is an anemometer?
The Ozone, which filters harmful UV rays from the sun, is found in this atmospheric layer.
What is the Stratosphere?
These scientists study the climate and weather and look at these things affect humans and the Earth in general.
What is Atmospheric Scientist?
On December 26, 2004, Indonesia experienced one of the worst examples of this natural disaster. Caused by an 9.1 magnitude underwater earthquake, resulting in the deaths of more than 230,000 people.
What is Tsunami?
When clouds become too heavy with water molecules, they release them as rain, sleet, snow,or hail. We call this......
What is precipitation?
This instrument uses compass directions to determine the direction the wind is blowing.
What is a wind vane?
This atmospheric layer has electrically charged particles in which the Aurora Borealis and radio waves are transmitted.
What is the Ionosphere?
These scientists study water and are concerned with clean water. They offer help to make irrigation plans for farmers, and consult with building developers to prevent soil erosion on building sites.
What is a Hydrologist?
Pompeii stands as a reminder to this natural disaster that occurred in 79 AD. The pyroclastic flow erupted from Mt. Vesuvius at about 100 miles per hour and destroyed everything in its path.
What is Volcano?
The process by which water moves through the Earth and atmosphere.
What is The Water Cycle?
Meteorologists rely on this instrument to obtain all of the weather data (humidity levels, air pressure, temperature, wind speed, and wind direction) needed to report on current weather conditions for your area.
What is a weather balloon?
This shallow layer is where all weather occurs, and is the lowest atmospheric layer.
What is the Troposphere?
These people may not have a degree in Science, but are passionate about weather! They use current technology to graph, chart, and follow severe weather conditions.
What is a Storm Chaser.
In the 1930's, this natural disaster caused many people to flee the midwest in search of land that could sustain them. It took many years for people to deplete the land until it could no longer grow plants, which resulted in plumes of dust so high and far-reaching it seemed to block out the sun.
What is Drought?