what is the sign for a warm front?
red line with circles
what is the symbol for a cold front?
blue triangles with a line
what is the symbol for a stationary front?
red circles and blue triangles together
what is the symbol for occluded fronts
purple line
symbol or high pressure?
Blue H
what type of weather does a warm front bring?
temperature change, cloudy skies, rain
what type of weather does a cold front bring?
temp drops, wind increase, heavy rain.
what type of weather does a stationary front bring?
rain, drizzle, fog
what type of weather does a Occluded front bring?
brings cloudy skies, rain, temp change and wind speeds
symbol for low pressure
Red L
what season do warm fronts occur most often?
what is increased winds?
cold fronts lead to strong winds
what type of rain does a stationary front bring?
heavy rain, drizzle, possible flooding
how does a occluded front affect temperature?
drops in temperature
high pressure?
higher humidity and hotter air
how big of a change does a warm front have on the weather?
a dramatic change in weather
what season do cold fronts appear in?
cold fronts are made in the winter when there's snow coming
how does a stationary front happen?
it happens when two masses of air are pushing against each other but neither are powerful enough to move the other.
what type of rain does a occluded front bring?
drizzle or snow
low pressure
humidity increase and lower in temp
how do warm fronts form?
a warm air mass slides over a cold air mass
how do cold fronts form?
cold fronts form when cold air mass takes the place of a warm air mass.
how do stationary fronts form?
forms when a cold front or warm front stops moving
how do occluded fronts form?
when a cold front overtakes a warm front
whats the difference between high and low pressure
high pressure makes the air hotter and low pressure makes the temp colder.