What is an air parcel?
How do we know it is going to rain?
Clouds get dark, wind is moving things around, cold air temperature
What are some examples of damages the rain can cause?
destroy things
Can you eat in class?
What is condensation?
when gas changes into a liquid
Are clouds different shapes and sizes?
Yes, they can even combine with other clouds to get bigger and bigger
What are three reasons cities can encounter more rain than normal?
increase in surface water
True or false
Can you wear a hat or a hood in class?
What is evaporation?
when a liquid changes into a gas
Can clouds go high up in the troposhpere?
Is techonology also accurate about the weather?
No, technology can make mistakes
weather predictions are based on probability
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What is troposphere?
the layer of the atomosphere where weather happens
Why does it rain?
Clouds get heavy and loose energy
How does water get evaporated from the surface?
The sun heats up the water and evaporates it into the troposphere/air
What is the bathroom policy?
5 opporunities to use restroom