Piece of clothing you would only wear in the winter
Snowpants, gloves, hat, boots...
What is the weather like?
Hot or cold?
Colour of leaves on tree
Orange, red, yellow
Name the four season
Winter, spring, summer, fall
What is hibernation?
When animals gather lots of food and go to sleep for the whole winter!
Piece of clothing you would wear in the spring
Rainboots, raincoat
A sport you can play outside
Soccer, baseball, swimming...
What is another name for fall?
The four seasons happen in a what?
Where do animals hibernate?
Cold, dark, small spaces
What happens to plants?
Start growing!
Something that can protect you from the sun
Sunglasses, hat, sunscreen
Name a holiday
Halloween & Thanksgiving
Which season has the most daylight?
When do most plants begin to grow?
The seasons that plants stop growing