I am something that can change day to day outside.
The weather
The classification of air masses is based on this. (2 things!)
Temperature and moisture
An area gets a lot of rain during what weather climate pattern?
El Nino
I measure the direction of wind.
A weather vane
This is a rise of water usually due to heavy rain with no place to go.
A flood
Can be considered a type of low-lying cloud making it difficult to see
Check this to help decide what you are going to wear today. What is it called?
Sun 107°F 99°C
Mon 120°F 104°C T
Tue 89°F 09°C
The weather forecast.
Air masses that use a blue line on the map are?
Cold Fronts
This climate is always cold and typically snowy
A tundra or polar climate.
These objects carry weather instruments up into the air and send data back to Earth to help meteorologists forecast the weather.
Weather balloons
This is a continuous period of dry weather. Hint: Starts with the letter "D".
A drought
Torrential rain is rain that is considered especially heavy and usually occurs during what types of weather
What the conditions are like in a specific area over a long period of time.
The climate
Air masses that use lines with half circles on the map are?
A Warm Front
This type of climate is close to the equator. It starts with the letter "T"
Tropical climate
If you have a fever or to measure the temperature of the air or water, use me.
A thermometer
This wild weather forms over the ocean and can cause heavy winds and flooding.
A hurricane
Name 3 words to describe types of precipitation.
Rain, Snow, Hail, Freezing Rain, Sleet
Most of Somalia and much of other African countries are this type of climate.
A desert climate.
A front is formed when a colder air mass moves toward a warmer air mass.
A Cold Front.
What is the type of climate in New England?
A continental climate
I am a scientist that predicts the forecast.
A meterologist
You feel this when it is hot with a lot of moisture in the air.
The drizzle equivalent of snow -- very light snow that isn't strong enough to accumulate.
Snow Flurries.
How long do scientist study an area to decide on climate?
1 year or more.
When two cold fronts collide to form precipitation? Hint: Purple line on the weather map
An Occluded Front
Not much rain occurs in this climate.
A desert or dry climate
Curious about how much rain fell in a certain period of time? Use me to measure it.
A rain gauge
This is a storm that swirls over land and is formed from a cumulonimbus cloud.
A tornado
A type of rain that freezes as soon as it hits the surface of an object.
Freezing Rain